ζ˜ŸζœŸδΊ”, 07 12月 2018 03:02

chicken house Construction Suggest

The construction of the chicken house is related to the breeding work of the chickens in the back. The scientific and reasonable chicken house can play a role in improving work efficiency and management convenience. Now I would like to
suggest the construction of the battery cage system for layer as follows:

layer chicken cage for ordinary window chicken houses

The chicken house has windows, which can use natural light and natural ventilation to save production costs. Generally, there is no mechanical ventilation device, and most of the brick and wood structure is used. The building form is
basically the same as that of common civil buildings, but it is often opened at both ends. Floor window and roof vent cap.
The construction cost of such a house is medium, and the environmental control efficiency is general. When the person controls the illumination, it is difficult to shorten the illumination time. Thorough disinfection is more difficult
and suitable for small-scale professional households.