Chicken Farming Information for Chicken Breeds
星期二, 29 3月 2022 08:55

Poultry Feeding Management Measures

How can we manage and raise poultry well? Today, poultry equipment manufacturers will share with you the measures of poultry feeding and management.



  1. Reduce the fluff density. The fluff density of the high temperature layer should be guaranteed to reach 500cm2, and the minimum should not be lower than 380cm2.


  1. Provide fresh, clean water throughout the day. It is best to drink deep well water that has been tested and met the standard. If deep well water is not available, add ice to the tank to lower the water temperature.


  1. Adjust the feeding time. Feed it in the evening when it is cooler, and feed it during the two feeding peaks after 6:00 am and 6:00 pm, so that the chickens can eat well.


  1. Strengthen inspections. Pay close attention to the feed intake, water intake and manure situation of chickens, especially when the air is sultry at noon and at night, to detect abnormal flocks in time. If there is an abnormal situation, release the sick and dead chickens for a week in time. To reduce the spread of disease and economic losses.


  1. Be quiet and reduce stress. Keep quiet during cleaning, egg picking, feeding, disinfection, etc. to avoid noise disturbance. Try to avoid the stress caused by large movements such as immunity.


The above 5 points are the measures of poultry breeding management shared by poultry equipment manufacturers. Modern intensive farming has become the choice of many poultry farmers, and the use of battery cage systems makes poultry management more important. Therefore, poultry farmers should also pay attention to poultry farming. Hope the above sharing can help you.

For beginners and chicken farmers for many years, if they want to build a large-scale farm, they need to buy automatic chicken raising equipment. The following is a brief summary of several major poultry farming equipment that needs to be purchase. Welcome to add any deficiencies.

Automated poultry drinking system. Nipple drinkers are the most ideal water supply equipment because it not only saves water, but also prevents bacterial contamination and reduces chicken sickness. When purchasing drinking equipment, you must choose a high-quality water-tight drinking fountain.

Automatic poultry feeding system. The feeding part requires a lot of labor, so for convenience, people design a mechanical feeding system, which is mainly composed of four parts: a storage tower, a feeder, a feeder, and a feeding trough.



Poultry egg collection system. Chicken farms with a high degree of mechanization use conveyor belts to automatically collect eggs. Not only is it efficient to fry eggs, but it also has a lower breakage rate.

Automated manure removal system. General chicken farms use manual and regular manure removal, and larger-scale chicken farms can use mechanical manure removal.

Battery chicken cages. The modern farming method is to use the stacked chicken cage system to achieve intensive farming, improve the efficiency of poultry farming, and earn more income.

The above is a brief introduction to the automatic chicken raising equipment required for raising chickens. If you are going to raise chickens or are already raising chickens, or if any equipment is missing, please add it quickly. Hope the above sharing can help you.

 With the trend of modern and intensive breeding methods, how to reasonably choose and arrange lighting for chicken houses is an important issue. Today, the chicken cage manufacturers will analyze the lighting problem of a poultry farm for everyone.


There are a lot of automatic chicken raising equipment on the market now, not to mention the lighting in the chicken coop. Because the growth of chickens requires a long time of light and the requirements of environmental protection, energy-saving lamps have become the first choice.



Here, chicken cage manufacturers would like to remind everyone that for multi-layer caged laying hen houses, it is recommended that the lighting devices should be arranged as high and low as possible, and try not to install them on the same horizontal line.


Some farms will specially install lighting and dimming equipment, and use LED lights to adjust the light intensity of the chicken farm. The lighting equipment in the fully automated chicken breeding equipment has two installation methods: DC dimming and AC dimming, which is easy to install and operate. Welcomed by everyone.


The above is the reasonable selection and installation of lighting devices for chicken house using automated poultry farming equipment shared by chicken cage manufacturers, hoping to help everyone.

In the process of raising laying hens, there are generally two types of automatic chicken raising equipment that can be used to raise laying hens, namely A-type egg hen raising equipment and H-type egg hen raising equipment. both devices.


First of all, let's get to know the A-type battery layer chicken cages. When using this equipment to raise laying hens, the activity space of the flock is relatively large, and it is more convenient to open the chicken coop. Use natural light to see what's going on inside the house.



In addition, let's get to know the H-type battery chicken cages for layer. This kind of equipment, as the name suggests, is to stack the chicken cages layer by layer. When using this equipment to raise laying hens, it can fully realize automatic feeding. Therefore, manual labor can be reduced. At the same time, it is more convenient to clean the chicken manure, so that the chicken manure can be cleaned in time, thereby bringing a clean and hygienic growth environment to the chickens.


The above content is the detailed introduction of the A-type battery layer chicken cages and the H-type laying hen cages, hoping to provide some useful suggestions for farmers who want to buy layer cage systems.

The layer cage manufacturers believes that in the process of feeding laying hens, it is necessary to clearly understand the drinking habits of laying hens, especially the laying hens in the laying period. Therefore, the editor will analyze the drinking habits of laying hens living in poultry cages.


First of all, when using automatic chicken raising equipment to feed laying hens, it can be mastered by observing the drinking habits of laying hens. Through daily observation, farmers should be able to clearly understand the daily drinking water peak of laying hens. Generally speaking, the peak drinking water of laying hens will be in the three time periods of 8:00 am, 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm every day. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the adequacy of water according to the peak time of drinking water.



In addition, when using automated chicken raising equipment to feed laying hens, you should also know that the water intake of laying hens in different seasons is also different. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully observe the drinking water of laying hens in each season, so as to feed according to different water intake, which will also help to improve the egg production of laying hens. In addition, generally speaking, the water consumption of laying hens is about 200 ml in spring and autumn, about 280 ml in summer, and about 110 ml in winter.


The above content is the drinking habits of laying hens analyzed by the layer cage manufacturers. I hope it can help farmers to understand the habits of laying hens and better develop the poultry farming industry.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms

There are many things that farmers need to pay attention to when using an automatic layer cage systems to raise chickens in the laying period. Below, the staff of the poultry equipment manufacturer will take you to understand these points that need attention.


First of all, pay attention to the lighting problem when using the equipment of battery chicken cages to raise chickens in the laying period. Appropriate light time and light intensity are conducive to laying hens to exert their egg-laying performance. It is generally recommended that laying hens receive about 15 hours of light per day before laying eggs. The laying hens after laying eggs receive about 16 hours of light per day.



Secondly, when raising laying hens during the laying period, attention should be paid to the supplementation of protein nutrition. Each farmer can observe the egg production rate of each laying hen. Then feed different proportions of protein nutrition according to the different egg production rate. This can effectively control the weight of laying hens in the laying period.


In addition, the management of chicken flocks should be strengthened when using automated laying hen feeding equipment to raise laying hens during the laying period. This is because flocks in the laying period may experience various stress responses. Therefore, in order to maintain the healthy state of the flock and the high egg production, each farmer must do a good job in the management of the chicken house, especially during the peak egg production period of the flock.


The above contents are the matters needing attention when using automated layer equipment to raise laying hens during the laying period shared by poultry equipment manufacturers.