Layer Chicken Farms - Poultry Farming Strategies of Layers and Broilers

Nowadays, laying hen farming has become a popular poultry farming industry. Layer cage equipment is also becoming more and more popular with poultry farmers. So what devices are commonly used? Today, the laying hen cage manufacturer will give you a brief introduction.



  1. Layer cage for sale. The use of chicken cages to raise laying hens can fully utilize the area ofthe chicken house to raise more chickens. Can increase the number of farmers breeding. And the cage covers a relatively small area. This can not only save the area of the chicken cagefor farmers, but also increase the number of farmers. When using laying hen equipment, the flock can be effectively isolated from manure. In this way, the chickens are prevented from contacting the feces and the spread of the disease is reduced.


  1. Automatic feeding system. The automatic feeder is specially designed for the construction of cages. The feeding machine has the advantages of strange layout, practical, time-saving and labor-saving, uniform feeding, low consumption, battery power supply, DC motor drive, low noise, convenient operation, flexible steering, small turning space, and convenient maintenance.


  1. Automatic manure cleaning system. The manure cleaner is widely used to remove the manure of poultry and livestock raised in poultry chicken cages in Ghana. It can realize unmanned management, automatic and timely cleaning of manure, arbitrary time setting, temporary manure removal, simple and fast operation, automatic manual conversion, convenient management and no need for many personnel. The chicken manure runs with the manure scraper to the end and falls into the manure removal belt and is sent to the manure truck to be pulled away, which can improve the environment in the house and reduce the occurrence of diseases.


  1. Automatic drinking water system. Water is an indispensable substance for raising chickens. From the point of view of saving water and preventing bacterial contamination, the drinking fountain is an ideal water supply building, which can realize automatic drinking water for laying broilers, and does not require farmers to manually feed water, which is highly efficient. Leaking drinking fountain.
星期五, 06 9月 2019 09:15

How to solve the problem of broken eggs

Egg breakage has become a headache for many laying hen farms. Nowadays, farming equipment and chicken battery cages are use to raise chickens and collect eggs. According to statistics, the breakage rate of eggs in many laying chicken farms is above 2%. Especially in the early stage of the chicken and egg production, the performance is relatively serious, generally between 1-3%, and some chicken farms have a higher damage rate, even more than 6% in poultry farming cage equipment


Once the egg is damaged, its economic value will drop by more than 60%, severely lose its economic value, and it will pollute normal eggs due to the outflow of egg liquid, and even cause pathogen reproduction pollution. The economic loss caused by broken eggs can account for more than 0.5% of the farming income. According to statistics from relevant departments, the direct economic loss caused by eggshell damage to the laying hens industry is as high as 500 million yuan per year, which has become one of the main factors affecting the efficiency of laying hens.




Especially with the change of breeding mode, the feeding cycle is prolonged, the application of mechanical egg collection is promoted, and the eggshell quality problem has attracted much attention. One of the most important reasons why eggs are damaged is that they lack vitamin D3, specifically 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. Some people think that it is calcium and phosphorus deficiency, and the test proves that there is no calcium deficiency in the feed. The broken egg indicates that the chicken has problems, that is, it is not healthy enough. At this time, supplementing “25-hydroxycapsule” to improve the health of the chicken and strengthening the eggshell is a smart choice.



When the calcium and phosphorus in the feed are not balanced, supplementation with 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 can increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. In the hot summer, the phytase added to the feed is prone to failure due to high temperature, resulting in insufficient phosphorus and imbalance of calcium and phosphorus. In the case of calcium and phosphorus imbalance, the addition of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is more significant. High temperature in summer can easily cause heat stress in chickens. Heat stress can affect the quality of eggshells (the eggshells become thinner and brittle). The reason is that the blood calcium reduction of laying hens is also lower than the reduction of carbonic anhydrase and vitamin D activity in laying hens. The important reason. Supplementing 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 can increase the egg production rate, reduce the egg breaking rate, reduce the egg-to-egg ratio, especially increase the eggshell hardness and reduce the egg breaking rate.



When using layer chicken cages to raise chickens, humidity is also an important condition for brooding, but chicken farmers generally do not pay enough attention. The humidity in the brooding house is generally expressed in relative humidity. The higher the relative humidity, the more humid the air; the lower the relative humidity, the drier the air.

After the chicks come out of the shell, they enter the brooder house. If the humidity of the air is too low, the moisture in the chicks will be exhaled through breathing, which is not conducive to the absorption of the remaining yolk in the chicks and the growth of the chicks' feathers. Once the chicks have been given a drink, the chicks often develop diarrhea due to too much water.

Appropriate humidity requirement: 60%-65% before 10 days of age, and then reduced to 55%-60%. In the early stage of brooding, due to the dry litter, the house is often hot and low humidity, which is easy to increase the water loss of the chicks, loss of appetite, frequent drinking, dry and brittle fluff, and dry toes.

In addition, too dry can easily lead to dust, causing respiratory and digestive diseases. Therefore, this stage must pay attention to the replenishment of water in the house. You can spray water on the aisle or wall of the house to increase humidity, or place a basin or kettle on the stove to burn water to generate steam to increase the humidity in the house.

After 10 days of age, the chicks developed quickly, gained weight, and their feed intake, water intake, breathing volume, and excretion volume increased with each passing day, and the temperature in the house gradually decreased. Especially in the midsummer and rainy seasons, it is easy to have excessive humidity. The chicks are not well adapted to the humid environment. The low temperature and high humidity in the brooding house will exacerbate the adverse effects on the chicks at low temperatures. The chicks will feel colder and even tremble with cold, at this time susceptible to various respiratory diseases. When the high temperature and high humidity in the brooding house, the water evaporation and heat dissipation of the chicks are hindered, and they feel more sultry and uncomfortable, and the chicks are prone to coccidiosis and aspergillosis.

Therefore, during the period when laying hens cages are used to raise chickens, it is necessary to change the litter frequently and strengthen ventilation. When adding drinking water, prevent water from spilling onto the ground or litter.

The poultry breeding industry has always been a very popular project, and with the development of society, the way of raising chickens is gradually changing. Poultry layer cage system breeding is a more popular way of breeding layer hens in recent years, and it is also a common way of raising chickens in chicken farms nowadays. benefit. 

Layer battery cages breeding is to concentrate the laying hens in the hen house. If it is raised in the previous horizontal and free-range methods, the layer chicken flock will take up more space. This kind of breeding method will be less than the number of cages, that is, the density of cages will be greater. It can be said that a chicken house with the same floor area will raise more laying hens in cages.



The breeding method of layer battery cages adopts a three-dimensional multi-layer method. This chicken house area will be fully utilized. In this way, the number of holidays will be increased, which can create greater benefits for farmers.

Another important point is that the use of layer cages is very helpful to the survival rate of layer hens. For the poultry farming industry, chickens live in battery cages and they can have a clean and comfortable environment. Chicken and feces will not come into contact. The manure of the chicken will be cleaned out of the chicken house by the poultry manure removal equipment, which will reduce the breeding of bacteria and increase the survival rate and egg production rate of the laying hens.

There are more and more farmers raising hens, and they are all using battery cage for chickens and breeding equipment to raise chickens. How should the hens prevent the stress reaction in the chicken cage and Poultry Rearing Equipment? Here are some suggestions.




1. Farmers should start from the growth characteristics of laying hens to provide a good, quiet and comfortable growing environment for the laying hens. The control of temperature and humidity, as well as the management of ventilation should be scientific and reasonable, avoiding the sheds caused by poor ventilation. Moisture and air pollution, etc., to avoid the stress of environmental failure.


2. Farmers must ensure that the stability of feeding during the whole breeding process, such as laying water, feeding, disinfection and other environments, must be in order, time is regular, farmers should pay attention to not being able to break water, lack of materials .


3. During the breeding process, the farmers should control the environment of the chicken house, such as fixing the time of the switch lights, cooling the work in the summer, keeping warm in the winter, and preventing the adverse effects of high and low temperature on the laying hens. In the autumn when the temperature changes greatly, timely prevention and control measures should be taken. In the rainy season, work to prevent storms is also needed.


4. In the farm where the laying hens are raised, the farmers should be careful not to yell and scream, and pay attention to the chicken houses not to be built in noisy places.


5. The feed ingredients required for different growth stages of laying hens are different. Therefore, the farmers must change the feed at a fixed stage, and there must be a transitional stage in the process of replacing the feed, so as to ensure the smooth adaptation of the chicken.


Don't ignore drinking water of chickens rearing in your chicken layer cage. Common water supply for sinks, the number of water additions is the same as the number of feeds; or sometimes the chickens are limited by the dung and the water is artificially limited, which is tantamount to the chickens. Water shortage seriously affects the digestion and absorption of other nutrients. Water is the cheapest among all nutrients, but it is also the source of life. Generally, the summer water ratio is 5-6:1, and the other seasons are 2-3:1 in battery cages for sale.

With the development of the breeding industry, automatic layer chicken cages are now essential chicken breeding equipment for farmers. What are the benefits of using chicken cages to raise chickens? Let's discuss it today.

        1.High degree of automation. Active feeding, drinking water, cleaning manure, wet curtain device. The use of this type of equipment to centrally manage the chicken coop can greatly improve the efficiency of breeding.

2.Conducive to the epidemic prevention work. Because the automatic manure removal systemmakes the chickens inaccessible to manure. This will make the chicken grow stronger. It also provides a clean and warm development space for chickens.

3.Save breeding feed. The use of stacked layer cages can greatly reduce the breeding feed. Because chickens grow in cages, their activity is reduced. The chicken's body consumes less energy, which leads to less feed waste.

4.The chicken coop is stable and durable. Hot-dip galvanizing technology is now used in automated breeding equipment. Make the equipment use longer, and it is also resistant to corrosion and oxidation. The service life can reach 15-20 years.

5.Save time. Because of the high degree of automation of modern chicken farming equipment, it is more conducive for farmers to manage the chicken coop and save time for other tasks.

The use of a full range of chicken equipment is becoming more and more popular in the chicken industry, and its advantages in the breeding process are becoming increasingly clear. Now, we will not introduce the advantages of the farmers in use. Today, we mainly bring farmers to understand some of the equipments included in the complete chicken equipment, so that farmers can know what to do when they purchase equipment. Easy to buy.

Chicken battery cage: Chicken battery cage is the most basic equipment in the complete chicken equipment is also a must. Whether it is raising broilers or laying hens, you need to buy them. When using cages, the amount of culture can be increased and the area of the house can be saved.

Manuring system: The manuring system mainly refers to the manure removal machine. The manure removal machine is divided into a scraper manure removal machine and a belt manure removal machine. Both types of manure removal equipment can clean the faeces in the house and reduce air pollution. When the farmer purchases, he can choose the appropriate type of manure removal machine according to his own feeding situation.



Feeding system: Poultry feeding equipment refers to the feeding machine. Farmers can feed the prepared feed with comprehensive nutritional value directly. The feeding machine can also control the feeding amount of the feed and ensure the chickens. The uniformity of the diet.

Ventilation and cooling system: The main ventilation and cooling system used in the house is the fan and the wet curtain. The scientific installation method uses the negative pressure to reduce the temperature inside the house. This will create a good living environment for the flock.

The egg-colletor: The egg-collector machine is mainly used in the equipment for breeding laying hens. The egg-collector machine can help the farmers to raise eggs, increase the number of eggs, and reduce the breakage rate of the eggs, thereby improving the economic benefits of the farmers.

The above is an introduction to the various equipment in the complete chicken equipment. I hope that through the introduction today, the farmers can provide some help for the equipment.