Broiler Feeding System - Poultry Farming Strategies of Layers and Broilers
星期五, 25 10月 2019 06:53

Broiler Breeding Technology in Chicken Farm

More and more farmers are beginning to develop the breeding industry. Large-scale breeding of chickens requires the use of Poultry Rearing Equipment, such as broiler cages, dung removal equipment and feeding equipment. However, in addition to these breeding equipment, if you want to raise chickens well and bring economic benefits to yourself, you still need certain breeding technology. The following are the key points of broiler breeding technology.


First of all, large-scale farming requires a farm. We need to know where is the best place for chicken farm construction. The selection of chicken farm site is directly related to the epidemic prevention status and economic benefits of chicken farms. According to the size of the breeding scale and the resource conditions, it is necessary to have a clear view of the convenient transportation of the chicken coop, sufficient water resources and guarantee the power supply. Electricity is required for lighting, water supply, temperature supply, ventilation, etc. in the chicken farm, so the chicken farm requires sufficient power supply. Environmental conditions are good and there is room for development.




Chicken coops are places where chickens live healthily. When building chicken coops, attention should be paid to the performance of heat preservation, heat insulation, ventilation and lighting, moisture prevention, ease of production and operation, disinfection and epidemic prevention, etc. At present, there are many types of buildings in chicken coops, which can be divided into two categories: open type and closed type according to different building structures and performances. Closed henhouse is also called windowless henhouse, because it is relatively closed to the outside world, has the function of temperature isolation and shading, and can adjust and control the internal environment of the henhouse. It has greater advantages than open henhouse, but it has high cost and large infrastructure investment.


Broilers for meat are more suitable for high-density feeding, and the feeding amount depends on the effective feeding area of the chicken house and the appropriate feeding density in battery cage for chickens. However, in actual production, the amount of breeding is restricted by many factors. The first is the number of breeders, the second is the feed supply capacity and the source of chickens, and the third is the area of chicken houses. Under the condition that there is no problem with the first two, the feeding amount depends on the area of the chicken coop.


There are two types of ventilation in chicken coops: mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation. There are mainly two types of mechanical ventilation in closed chicken coops, namely, horizontal ventilation and vertical ventilation. These are the key points of raising chickens in the poultry house, hoping to help farmers build a suitable chicken farm.


With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the genetic breeding technology of broilers has been greatly improved, and the nutritional formulation of chicken feed has also undergone new changes. Broiler breeds are constantly being optimized, and the feeding and management viewpoints of broiler chickens are no longer practical. The broiler breeders at this time need to understand some new ideas for the early feeding and management of broilers.

Do a good job of early feeding chicks, so that the chicks get even and good development in the first week. Changing the way that chickens were fed before drinking water for a period of time before they were fed will become better when the chicks arrive. Change the practice of distributing drinking fountains according to the number of chickens in the past, and increase the number of drinking fountains accordingly so that the chicks can easily find the water in the column after entering the house. If the chicks do not use the trays within the first day of arrival, use clean plastic cloths on the net or spread clean and hard papers to spread the material on the chicks for feeding. The effect is much better than using the trays alone.

Layer cage manufacturers talk about every stage in the process of broiler breeding, and the later breeding of broilers also needs attention. The growth rate and survival rate of broilers in the later period are directly related to the economic benefits of the farmers, so the fattening work of broilers in the later period must be paid attention to to reduce the mortality of the flock.




1. Ensure proper temperature: When raising broilers in the late stage, the breeder should pay attention to the temperature of the chicken house not to be set too high. The proper temperature is that the chickens are evenly evacuated, the body stretches, and some chickens open their mouths to breathe as an indication, and leave. Near the heat source, the breathing rate is too fast, mostly caused by the high indoor temperature, adjust the temperature in time. In summer, the temperature is too high and the feed intake of chickens cannot increase. Therefore, a suitable temperature can ensure the best conversion function of the feed. In summer, the focus is on heatstroke prevention and cooling. Adequate ventilation: In the later stage, the chicken house is mainly ventilated to improve the small environment in the house and ensure sufficient oxygen circulation to ensure the normal metabolism of the chicken body and the absorption of nutrients. When ventilating, avoid cool breeze blowing directly on the chicken body. Relying on the water curtain to cool down in summer is not very stressful for the chickens that gradually adapt to the wind speed, but the existence of the wind speed will more or less affect the chicken's mobility.


2. Ensure reasonable light management: light work is a very important task in chicken breeding. Farmers know that broiler chickens have a short growth cycle and high feed remuneration. For farmers, excessive weight gain is feed intake. Speed, especially light, is directly related to feed intake, so farmers must control the light in the chicken coop during the later stage of broiler breeding.


3. Pay more attention to the flock of chickens: When the flocks are resting at night, the farmers can observe the flocks frequently, listen to the breathing of the chickens, whether there are snoring, hiccups, or sneezing. If you have the above symptoms, you should think of the respiratory tract. Disease, observe whether there are respiratory symptoms, walk slowly in the chicken coop and listen after turning off the light for about half an hour.


4. Choose reasonable disinfection drugs in broiler cages : Disinfection with chickens is a must to ensure the health of the chicken coop and flocks. When choosing disinfection drugs, farmers are advised to choose a broad-spectrum, efficient, strong, non-toxic and harmless , Low-irritating and non-corrosive disinfection drugs, and disinfect according to scientific and reasonable steps to avoid disinfection errors that affect the health of the chickens.


5. The correct method for disinfection of chickens: When disinfecting, the farmers first prepare the liquid medicine in the disinfection container, start the disinfection from one end of the chicken coop, and walk towards the other end while spraying. The spray nozzle should be upward to make the sprayed liquid drop slowly like a mist. The ground, walls, cages, and ceilings should be sprayed with liquid liquid, and the action should be gentle. Do not disinfect the chickens to prevent the chickens from breathing. To drugs that cause diseases of the respiratory tract.


6.  the late-stage medication should be prescribed to the symptoms: in the later stage of raising broilers, the late-stage medication is the stage where the drug cost of the whole batch of chickens rises the fastest, so the medication must be stable and accurate at this stage, and do not blindly administer the medication. In the later stage of administration, you must prescribe the right medicine on the premise of a clear diagnosis. If you miss the best treatment opportunity, the flock may lose control, which is very likely to cause disastrous consequences.

The efficient breeding of broilers can not be separated from the rich chicken breeding experience of broiler farmers, but also can not be separated from the scientific use of broiler breeding techniques, and the efficient feeding of broilers is an important guarantee for the success of broiler breeding.

Insist on the advanced breeding method to leave the ground chicken, can be raised on a net bed. The nets are raised flatly, and the meshes are of a moderate size, so that chicken eyes can't leak through the mesh, and chicken droppings can be leaked. You can make or purchase a commercially available plastic net bed. As a result of leaving the ground, the pathogen has lost a breeding hotbed and can effectively control the occurrence and spread of chicken coccidiosis and ferret disease. The implementation of off-site feeding is mainly used to prevent ground infection, convenient and feasible, and strong operability.

Using broiler battery cages to raising chicken is very convenient because it reduces the burden on most farmers, but it also places higher demands on farmers. Chicken living in cages also need to be managed. Some people will have some related problems. Today we will discuss the problems that should be paid attention to when raising broiler chicken with automatic breeding equipment.

  1. Matters needing attention in temperature

(1) Place the thermometer reasonably

In standardized chicken house breeding, the length and width of the chicken house are relatively large, and the temperature in the east, west, or north and south of the chicken house is inconsistent. Attention should be paid to the reasonable placement of thermometers. One thermometer should be placed in the east, middle, and west of the poultry chicken cages. Get the average temperature in the chicken house.

(2) Measures that change with the seasons

Need to cool down in summer. Breeders can use wet curtains and fans to reduce the temperature in the chicken house. At the same time, you should pay attention to the opening time of the wet curtain, to avoid the temperature in the chicken house is too low or the temperature in the chicken house is inconsistent, causing chickens to catch a cold.

 Temperature control in autumn. Because of the large temperature difference between day and night in autumn, the temperature in the chicken house should be adjusted to avoid the phenomenon of high and low temperature.

 In winter, heat preservation can be used to increase the temperature in the chicken house through heating or a blower.

  1. Pay attention to the problem of density

Pay attention to the density of broilers in cages. Actually, pay attention to the different feed intake of each cage chicken, adjust the number of chickens in each cage and achieve even feed intake.

  1. Matters needing attention in immunization

Raising broiler chicken in battery cages usually adopt drinking water immunization methods during immunization. When immunizing, attention should be paid to the vaccine dosage and drinking time. The drinking time should not be too long. Too long can easily reduce the efficiency of vaccine immunity.

If the chicken farm does not clean the chicken manure in the chicken battery cages in time, the odor in the broiler equipment will be very serious, and it will affect the living environment of the chicken. Seriously, it will cause the chicken to become sick and affect the economic benefits. So what should we do?






1 padding deodorization

The sulphur is mixed into the litter to make the pH of the litter less than 7, which can inhibit the generation and emission of ammonia in the feces, reduce the ammonia content in the air of the house, and reduce the odor of ammonia. The specific method is to mix into the litter according to the amount of 0.5 kg of sulfur per square meter of ground, paving the ground.


2 ground odor

Sprinkle a layer of superphosphate on the ground in the house. The superphosphate reacts with the ammonia gas produced in the chicken manure to form an odorless solid ammonium phosphate salt, which can reduce the emission of ammonia in the feces of the house and reduce the odor of the house. The specific method is to evenly spray 350 grams of superphosphate on the ground of every 50 chickens.


3 air odor

The odor in the air is adsorbed by a substance having adsorption such as charcoal, activated carbon, cinder, or quicklime. The method is to use the net bag to load the charcoal and suspend it in the chicken house or properly sprinkle some activated carbon, cinder, lime, etc. on the ground, and the odor in the air can be eliminated to different extents.


The above is how to deal with the odor in the air of broiler breeding equipment. I hope that can help the chickens to better raise their chickens, and they clean up the chicken farm equipment in time to give the chicken a good environment.

① Production performance: The higher the production level, the greater the water requirement of the chicken. For example, adult chickens drink more water than chicks; among chickens of the same weight, young chickens develop water deficiency faster than adult chickens; laying hens drink more water than non-laying hens.

② Feed structure: Some feeds such as rye, bran and certain minerals such as table salt can cause chicken loose stools, so the water requirement increases. Excessive protein levels in the diet can increase drinking water. Because too much nitrogen in the chicken must be excreted from the kidney, and the chicken has the worst concentration of urine, it is necessary to increase the drainage to excrete more nitrogen, thereby increasing the water requirement. The increase of crude fiber content in the feed and the increase in the amount of feces in the chicken also increase the water requirement.

③ Ambient temperature: Under the production conditions of broiler cages, due to changes in the ambient temperature, the amount of water consumed by the chicken has changed significantly. High temperature (above 30℃) usually increases the amount of drinking water. When the ambient temperature increases by 1°C, the amount of drinking water can increase by about 7%; when the temperature is low (below 10°C or less), the amount of drinking water decreases. When the temperature of laying hens is increased from below 10℃ to above 30℃, the drinking water volume can be doubled. In addition, the temperature of drinking water can more affect the amount of water consumed by chickens. Chickens like to drink cold water instead of drinking water above ambient temperature, and refuse to drink water above 45℃.

④Water quality: When using broiler cages to raise chickens, chickens have strict requirements on water quality. There are fewer impurities in the water, and the pH is between 6.0-8.5. If there are more impurities in the water, especially when the water contains more soluble minerals, it will cause the chicken's palatability to the water to be reduced, thereby reducing the amount of drinking water. In addition, the use of certain drugs in water can also reduce the amount of water consumed by chickens. Therefore, chickens should be given fresh, cool and clean drinking water.

For major chicken farmers who use Fully automatic poultry farming equipment for chicken, the disinfection of chickens is an indispensable part of the breeding process. Reasonable disinfection can reduce the prevalence of chickens and strengthen the environmental sanitation of the chicken coop. How to disinfect chickens? , What are the steps of disinfection? Broiler cage manufacturer Dajia Machinery summarized the key steps of disinfection of chickens, and now I will share them with farmers.


Cleaning the chicken house: Before disinfection, in order to achieve a better disinfection effect, farmers need to clean the chicken house first, because cleaning can clean the dust, feces, residual feed and other dirt on the surface of the chicken house. It can kill the dirt and bacterial pathogenic microorganisms in the deeper part of the chicken house during disinfection, and achieve a better disinfection effect.


The second step of disinfection is to wash the chicken house: For farmers who disinfect the empty chicken house, they should also pay attention to washing the chicken house after cleaning the chicken house. This is to clean the chicken house thoroughly and use the disinfectant solution. To play a good effect, thoroughly scrubbing the chicken house can ensure the effectiveness of the disinfectant. Therefore, after the dirt on the ground is soaked and softened in water, it should be scrubbed with a hard brush. It is better to use a power spray pump to scrub it at high pressure.





The third step of disinfection is to wait for the chicken house to dry: if the chicken house of the farmer is washed, it cannot be disinfected immediately. You need to put the chicken house aside for a few days and wait for it to be disinfected after drying. Otherwise, disinfect with water. Who will dilute it and fail to achieve a good disinfection effect.


 The fourth step of disinfection is to prepare disinfectant drugs: there are many methods of disinfection. After the farmers choose the disinfection method, they must prepare the disinfectant drugs according to the proportions in the disinfectant instructions.


The fifth step of disinfection: disinfection: After the above work is completed, the farmers will start disinfection. When disinfecting, pay attention to the comprehensiveness of disinfection, and cover all corners of the chicken house, such as the roof, ceiling, walls, and fixings. Facilities, grounds, etc. must be properly disinfected so that better results can be achieved. Be careful not to miss the blocked parts.


The above is the steps of how to disinfect chicken raised by broiler cage manufacturers for farmers. I hope that the above description can bring some help to farmers.