Broiler Feeding System - Poultry Farming Strategies of Layers and Broilers
Wednesday, 04 September 2019 10:43

Reasons for dyspepsia in chicken houses

Nowadays, most farmers raise broiler chickens by using battery cage for broilers. It is convenient and quick to use automatic feeding equipment, and it also saves feed waste. But now, as the summer is about to pass, the autumn will follow, and the rain will be wet. Sometimes there will be a state of indigestion. In fact, there are many factors to consider for this problem.


Feed mold infection, mycotoxins can cause digestive diseases such as oral cavity, intestinal tract, causing indigestion, mycotoxin contamination including feeding mildewed feed, and pollution in processing, transportation and storage. Due to the hot weather, the oil is corrupted due to improper preservation, causing broilers to cause glandular gastritis, muscle erosion and enteritis. Free radicals or reactive oxygen molecules produced by fatty acids can affect their immunity, slow down growth, cause poor pigmentation and cause enteritis. Excessive fat addition can cause lubricative diarrhea.



The nutritional requirements of broilers are relatively high in chicken battery cages . The low content of crude fiber in the feed will result in unbalanced nutrition and excessive crude fiber, resulting in large feed intake of broilers and confusion of gastrointestinal function, which may also cause indigestion. Insufficient energy in the feed The broiler is eating for energy, not enough energy, increasing the feed intake of the broiler, causing other nutrients not directly absorbed and directly excreted, thereby causing indigestion.

It is necessary to know that broilers grow fast, especially the growth of internal organs is 35 days ago; because of the low anti-stress ability of broilers, the environmental requirements are higher. There is no regularity in broiler cage feeding, overeating, or stressing the chicken, or causing the chicken to experience low temperatures at a constant temperature, which can cause indigestion. 60% of broiler chickens are made of water, so there must be sufficient drinking water to meet the needs of the chickens, while some farmers do not pay attention to drinking water sanitation, drinking polluted water or degraded water, causing chicken indigestion.


Tuesday, 15 January 2019 02:06

Advantages of broiler cage equipment

The use of broiler cage equipment is common in many large and medium-sized chicken farms. Except for some farms that are used to free-range, most chicken farms choose to use broiler cage equipment as a device for raising chickens. The broiler cage manufacturers said that the use of broiler cage equipment can collect and manage chickens, save energy, and effectively reduce the incidence of poultry diseases. Let's talk about the advantages of broiler cage equipment.


1. High degree of automation: automatic feeding, drinking water, clearing dung, wet curtain cooling, centralized management, automatic control, saving energy, improving labor productivity, reducing the cost of artificial breeding, and greatly improving the breeding efficiency of farmers.




2. The flock is well-prevented and effective in preventing infectious diseases: chickens do not touch the feces, which can make the chickens grow healthier and provide a clean and comfortable growing environment for the chickens.


3. Save space and increase stocking density: The cage density is more than 3 times higher than the flattening density.


4. Saving farmed feed: caged chickens can save a large amount of farmed feed, chickens are kept in cages, the amount of exercise is reduced, energy consumption is small, and waste materials are reduced. The data show that cage farming can effectively save more than 25% of farming costs.


5. Rugged and durable: The caged broiler complete set of equipment uses hot dip galvanizing process, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, and the service life can be as long as 15~20 years.

① Production performance: The higher the production level, the greater the water requirement of the chicken. For example, adult chickens drink more water than chicks; among chickens of the same weight, young chickens develop water deficiency faster than adult chickens; laying hens drink more water than non-laying hens.

② Feed structure: Some feeds such as rye, bran and certain minerals such as table salt can cause chicken loose stools, so the water requirement increases. Excessive protein levels in the diet can increase drinking water. Because too much nitrogen in the chicken must be excreted from the kidney, and the chicken has the worst concentration of urine, it is necessary to increase the drainage to excrete more nitrogen, thereby increasing the water requirement. The increase of crude fiber content in the feed and the increase in the amount of feces in the chicken also increase the water requirement.

③ Ambient temperature: Under the production conditions of broiler cages, due to changes in the ambient temperature, the amount of water consumed by the chicken has changed significantly. High temperature (above 30℃) usually increases the amount of drinking water. When the ambient temperature increases by 1°C, the amount of drinking water can increase by about 7%; when the temperature is low (below 10°C or less), the amount of drinking water decreases. When the temperature of laying hens is increased from below 10℃ to above 30℃, the drinking water volume can be doubled. In addition, the temperature of drinking water can more affect the amount of water consumed by chickens. Chickens like to drink cold water instead of drinking water above ambient temperature, and refuse to drink water above 45℃.

④Water quality: When using broiler cages to raise chickens, chickens have strict requirements on water quality. There are fewer impurities in the water, and the pH is between 6.0-8.5. If there are more impurities in the water, especially when the water contains more soluble minerals, it will cause the chicken's palatability to the water to be reduced, thereby reducing the amount of drinking water. In addition, the use of certain drugs in water can also reduce the amount of water consumed by chickens. Therefore, chickens should be given fresh, cool and clean drinking water.

Broiler feeding equipment is a relatively popular breeding equipment in modern times. The emergence of such equipment has helped farmers solve many problems, while also protecting the environment and reducing environmental pollution. Everyone should also understand some of the advantages of fully automatic chicken equipment, but even the best equipment, if used improperly, there will be misunderstandings, then everyone knows the misunderstanding of automatic chicken farming equipment? Don't worry about it first, let's take a look at everything.


Two common mistakes in the use of broiler equipment:


1. Choose cheaper when purchasing broiler equipment: The cost of raising chicken equipment to raise chickens is much higher than that of the past. Therefore, many users tend to prefer cheap equipment when purchasing chicken equipment, and pay attention to the quality of equipment. Whether the requirements and standards are met, especially chicken cage equipment, chicken cages are the main equipment for raising chickens. Chicken cages with poor structure and poor quality will affect the growth and production of chickens, and the age is not guaranteed.


2. Do not pay attention to the maintenance of broiler equipment: Since the chicken farming equipment is generally large-scale mechanized equipment, the service life is relatively long, and the farmers need to carry out reasonable inspection and maintenance work on each broiler equipment on a regular basis, which can promptly find problems and The fault is solved, and the service life of the equipment can be ensured and extended, and the efficiency of the chicken raising work of the farmers is exerted. However, many farmers have neglected the work, resulting in short service life, high failure rate and increased cost.


Regarding the misunderstanding of broiler equipment, misunderstanding of equipment maintenance and the correct method of selecting broiler equipment, broiler equipment manufacturers can only analyze it here. I hope these contents can help you solve some problems.




Nowadays, automatic chicken raising equipment are emerging in endlessly. Many farmers will rely on some automatic chicken raising equipment to raise broilers to improve work efficiency and reduce labor intensity. Although chicken raising techniques and methods have improved, many farmers still cannot get good benefits. In order to help the majority of farmers improve their scientific management level and achieve better economic benefits, let’s discuss some things that need to be paid attention to when using automatic breeding equipment to raise chickens.

  • Choose the automatic chicken raising equipment that suits you: Among the modern chicken breeding equipment, the types of automatic chicken raising equipment include: automatic feeding machine, automatic manure cleaning machine, automatic egg picker, fan wet curtain, automatic drinking water equipment, etc. Commonly  automatic chicken raising equipment, farmers can choose the required automatic chicken raising equipment according to their actual needs and capital budget to assist in raising chickens, and improve the efficiency of chicken raising.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  • Learn to operate modern automatic chicken farming equipment: it is a relatively large-scale mechanized equipment that requires operation and maintenance. Therefore, whether it is operated by the farmers themselves or by the staff, they must pay attention to learning the correct operation method. Different equipment operation methods are It is not the same. Only reasonable and scientific operation can ensure the good effect and efficiency of the equipment, and can guarantee the life of use, and also pay attention to regular maintenance and maintenance of the automatic chicken breeding equipment, so that the problem can be found in time Timely solution these problems can guarantee and extend the service life of the equipment.
  • Maintain the environment of the chicken house: the chicken coop is well maintained, and the chicken flock can reduce the occurrence of diseases. Because the chicken house has chicken flocks and some automatic chicken raising equipment, there will be a lot of manure, feed, dust, ammonia and other pollution. The existence of materials and harmful gases will seriously affect the health of the chicken flock. Therefore, if you want to ensure the sanitary environment of the chicken house, it is necessary to clean, disinfect and ventilate frequently. If you do these three points, you can maintain the hygiene of the chicken house.

The main points of how to raise chickens using chicken raising equipment are described for the majority of farmers. It is also a few tasks that farmers need to pay attention to in the process of raising chickens. I hope that the above description can help the majority of farmers to raise chickens in a scientific and reasonable manner. Improve economic efficiency!


With chicken market increasingly competitive, and farmers modernization consciousness gradually improve, more and more farmers to standardization, scale breeding mode, build the henhouse chicken farming became the caged equipment now farmers choose mode of breeding, so farmers in the building of the hen house should be how to build?

1. Site selection: avoid intensive farming areas with better water quality.

2. Feeding mode: cage raising in two stages: "raising young" and "laying eggs".

3. Chicken battery cages construction: it is recommended to raise 15,000 to 20,000 chickens per chicken coop, adopt closed chicken coop and broiler cage feeding equipment, cement floor, wall white cement batch white, automatic drinking water, feeding, ventilation, manure cleaning, etc.

First, the overall layout of the chicken farm:

1. General principles: from the perspective of facilitating epidemic prevention and organizational production. The divisional layout of the field area is the production area, office area, living area, auxiliary production area, and sewage treatment area.

2. Arrangement principle: According to the dominant wind direction, the topography and the flow direction are the living area, office area, auxiliary production area, production area and sewage treatment area. If the terrain is inconsistent with the wind direction, the dominant wind direction is dominant.

Second, the layout of the chicken farm: the overall plan should consider the factors such as the orientation of the chicken house, the spacing of the house, the road, sewage, fire prevention and epidemic prevention. The recommended design of 100,000 large-scale chicken farms is recommended to be arranged in 6 single or double row chicken houses. The single chicken house is 16,000 closed chicken houses. It is equipped with four rows of four aisles and three-tiered ladder cages. Curtains, ventilated windows, mechanical cleaning, mechanical feeding and automatic lighting, automatic drinking water system.

1. Single-roof house orientation: It adopts east-west or east-north (or west) 15 degrees, which is conducive to improving the winter temperature and avoiding summer solar radiation, using the dominant wind direction to improve the ventilation conditions of the house.

2. Chicken house spacing: two types of single-row houses and double-row houses. The spacing of the chicken houses is 10 to 20 meters for brooding and 10 to 15 meters for laying hens.

3. Chicken farm road: The chicken farm road is divided into two types: clean road and dirty road. The clean road is used for transporting feed, chicken and eggs in the field. The dirt is used to transport manure, dead chicken and sick chicken. The two must not be used interchangeably.



The broiler ground thick litter feeding refers to feeding 5-10 centimeters of litter on the ground of a strictly sterilized chicken house, and the entire period of growth of the chicken is fully maintained on the litter. The litter requires soft, dry, strong water absorption, is not easy to compact, does not mold, no pollution. During the rearing process, loosening of padding material, removal of wet litter, and addition of new litter should be made as appropriate.

Advantages: Suitable for broiler growth and development, slightly lower than the Internet temperature during the hot season. Usually do not remove the feces, do not change the litter, save time and labor; in the winter can use litter fermentation heat production and increase Shewen; chicks in the litter activity increased, reduced the incidence of earthworms. Easy to use, low equipment investment, low incidence of breast cysts, and low defective products.

Disadvantages: It requires a lot of litter, repeated investment. The management of litter is difficult. If the management is not good and the litter is wet, various diseases of the digestive tract and respiratory tract infections are prone to occur: such as E. coli, coccidiosis, and chronic respiratory diseases. Direct contact between chickens and feces, the incidence of coccidiosis increased, and other infectious diseases are prevalent. The contradiction between ventilation and heat preservation is prominent, and health management is difficult. Chicken manure use value is reduced.

In the process of developing poultry farming projects in broiler chicken cages, it is hoped that the nutrients contained in each feed that chickens eat are balanced. Otherwise, the flock will suffer from malnutrition, nutrient deficiency or poisoning. Therefore, the feeding formula of the chickens in the automatic broiler cage can be stirred evenly to meet the nutritional needs of the chickens.


There are two methods of feed mechanical mixing and manual mixing. As long as it is used properly, satisfactory results can be obtained.


  1. The broiler cage feed is mechanically mixed, using a broiler cage mixer. Commonly used broiler cage mixers are vertical and horizontal.


The vertical mixer is suitable for mixing powdered feed with a water content of less than 14%. If the water content is too high, it is difficult to mix evenly. This kind of broiler cage mixer requires small power and is easy to maintain, but the mixing time is long (generally 10-20 minutes per batch), which is suitable for chicken farmers and small chicken farms.


The horizontal mixer can mix the broiler cage feed evenly in areas with relatively humid climates or when strong viscous ingredients (such as grease) are added to the feed. The machine has a short mixing time, 3-4 minutes per batch, and is mainly used in some feed processing plants. No matter what kind of broiler cage mixer is used, in order to stir evenly, the charging amount must be appropriate. Too much or too little charging cannot be uniform. Generally, 60%-80% of the capacity is suitable for charging. The mixing time is also an important factor related to the mixing quality. The mixing time is too short, but it is not the longer the better. If the mixing is too long, the feed will be mixed evenly and then cause stratification due to excessive mixing.



  1. Manual mixing is the main method of feed mixing when raising chickens at home.


When mixing, be careful and patient to prevent some trace ingredients from clumping and agglomerating. Uneven mixing will affect the feeding effect.


When manually mixing chickens in battery cages for broiler, special attention should be paid to some trace components that account for a small proportion in the diet but will seriously affect the feeding effect. Such as salt and various additives. If the mixing is not uniform, the feeding effect will be affected in the light, and the chickens will be poisoned or even die in serious cases.


For such trace components, the broiler cage feed must be fully crushed when mixing, and there should be no agglomeration. The agglomerates may be poisoned after being eaten by the chickens. Secondly, due to the small amount of such ingredients, they cannot be directly added to bulk feed for mixing, but should be pre-mixed.


The method is: take 10%-20% of the concentrate (which is a large proportion of energy feed, such as corn) as a carrier, and stack it in addition, and press the feed of the next shovel on the feed put down by the previous shovel, that is, go all the way to the feed. The feed is placed on the top, and the feed flows around the center point to form a cone, so that various broiler cage feeds have the opportunity to mix. Repeat this 3-4 times to achieve the purpose of mixing evenly, and the premix is ​​ready. This premix is ​​then added to the whole feed and mixed 3-4 times in the same way to achieve the purpose.