Saturday, 23 June 2018 02:33

How to Manage Laying Hens Near egg Production Peak?

For chicken farmers, the peak period of egg production will always be encountered at some stage of the year. Under normal circumstances, laying hens begin their pre-production period from the age of 16 weeks, and enter the peak of laying eggs at the age of 25 weeks. Whether the feeding and management status during the peak period of laying hens meets the requirements of chicken growth and egg production will have a great influence on the egg production during the entire production period. Therefore, for chicken farmers, it is very important to manage the layer chickens during production.

It is advisable to complete the laying of the laying hens before the age of 18 weeks in order to make the chickens familiar with the environment as soon as possible. In order to adapt to the increase of chicken body weight, growth of the reproductive system and the demand for calcium, the laying hens can be fed at the age of 18 weeks and the culmination at the age of 20 weeks. The most suitable temperature for laying hens is 13°C~23°C. In winter, it is better to keep above 10°C. In summer, it is better to keep below 30°C. Maintain indoor air circulation and prevent various noises. Keep the environment and feeding, drinking, lighting and other stability.