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Thursday, 07 November 2019 08:40

How should the odor of broiler equipment in chicken farms be treated?

If the chicken farm does not clean the chicken manure in the chicken battery cages in time, the odor in the broiler equipment will be very serious, and it will affect the living environment of the chicken. Seriously, it will cause the chicken to become sick and affect the economic benefits. So what should we do?






1 padding deodorization

The sulphur is mixed into the litter to make the pH of the litter less than 7, which can inhibit the generation and emission of ammonia in the feces, reduce the ammonia content in the air of the house, and reduce the odor of ammonia. The specific method is to mix into the litter according to the amount of 0.5 kg of sulfur per square meter of ground, paving the ground.


2 ground odor

Sprinkle a layer of superphosphate on the ground in the house. The superphosphate reacts with the ammonia gas produced in the chicken manure to form an odorless solid ammonium phosphate salt, which can reduce the emission of ammonia in the feces of the house and reduce the odor of the house. The specific method is to evenly spray 350 grams of superphosphate on the ground of every 50 chickens.


3 air odor

The odor in the air is adsorbed by a substance having adsorption such as charcoal, activated carbon, cinder, or quicklime. The method is to use the net bag to load the charcoal and suspend it in the chicken house or properly sprinkle some activated carbon, cinder, lime, etc. on the ground, and the odor in the air can be eliminated to different extents.


The above is how to deal with the odor in the air of broiler breeding equipment. I hope that can help the chickens to better raise their chickens, and they clean up the chicken farm equipment in time to give the chicken a good environment.

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