星期一, 25 2月 2019 07:47

Keeping chicken in winter needs attention

In the winter, farmers in Ghana usually choose to use poultry farming equipment for centralized management. What should be paid attention to in the process of centralized management?


Strengthen the environmental management of the flock.


The environment has a great impact on the occurrence of diseases. In winter, the temperature is lowered. Most of the chicken farms need to adopt thermal insulation measures. Especially in the northern areas, the chicken houses should be sealed for heat preservation, and the air freshness in the chicken houses is affected. In addition, the concentration of ammonia will increase greatly. Coupled with high-density breeding, it is easy to cause outbreaks of some diseases and cause diseases in the group. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the environment.


Do a good job of isolation.


The site selection of the chicken farm should be far away from the residential area, and the environment should be environmentally isolated. In addition, in the management, the vehicles and personnel entering and leaving the venue should be strictly disinfected, and unnecessary circulation should be eliminated as much as possible. External contact, avoid cross-infection, and achieve true isolation.

Do a good job in sanitation and disinfection.


In the management of chicken farms, it is very important to do a good job in sanitation and disinfection. In strengthening health management, it is necessary to formulate a strict health management system. Health needs to be meticulous and comprehensive, and there is no leakage. Every day, the factory and the chicken house will be cleaned to ensure the sanitation and cleanness of the environment. It is necessary to establish a strict disinfection system and ensure that the disinfection work in the plant area can be fully covered in accordance with the scientific disinfection process. For sick and dead chickens, they should be treated according to the harmless treatment process to eliminate the source of infection.


When disinfecting the chicken house, it is best to disinfect the chicken, but in the winter, it must be carried out at noon as much as possible. The temperature at noon is high, which can avoid the temperature difference caused by disinfection and the temperature is the least.

Ensure the stability of the environment.


In winter, the chicken house should be sealed for heat preservation. Although it is good for heat preservation, it is not conducive to the elimination of harmful gases, resulting in an increase in ammonia volume and an increase in humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to properly carry out heat preservation. Ventilation to ensure fresh air in the house. It can open skylights, use axial flow fans, longitudinal ventilation, etc. It can also achieve the purpose of reducing nitrogen and humidity by reducing the drinking water of the chickens, reducing the water sprinkling, increasing the temperature inside the house, and adding pharmaceutical additives such as ammonia and deodorization.

In the process of removing ammonia and dehumidification, it is necessary to do the heat preservation and ventilation, and the ventilation will inevitably lead to the decrease of the temperature inside the house. Therefore, the ventilation should be used as much as possible, and the interval ventilation mode is adopted. When the temperature is lowered to a certain limit. Stop breathing and avoid excessive stress caused by excessive stress.