星期三, 20 7月 2022 10:04

Introduction to the technology of ecological chicken raising

With the increasing demand of society, the breeding industry has developed vigorously. The most common form of farming is chicken farming. There are many ways to raise chickens, and they are generally free-range. However, with the maturity and development of breeding technology, many new breeding models have gradually emerged, such as ecological chicken breeding technology. What poultry equipment manufacturers want to talk about today is ecological chicken raising technology.


  1. Selection of Breeding Site

Ecological chicken farms should try to choose places with higher terrain, sufficient water sources, convenient transportation and electricity, and far away from polluted areas. It is best to be surrounded by forests, mountains, orchards and other places with rich resources. After selecting a breeding site, it is necessary to transform the site. The most important thing is to build a fence to prevent chickens from escaping. At the same time, it can also play a role in preventing natural enemies such as rats and weasels.


  1. Choose The Breed of Poultry

Chickens can be purchased after the establishment of the breeding site. Ecological chicken farming needs to choose varieties with strong survivability and strong adaptability to the environment. You can choose from laying hens, broilers, chicks, breeders and other breeds. These chickens not only have strong adaptability, but also have advantages in breeding prospects and economic benefits.



  1. The Price of Poultry Cages in the market

After choosing the breed of chicken, it is necessary to buy the corresponding chicken cage. Now poultry cages are mainly divided into A-type chicken cages and H-type chicken cages, as well as flat raising systems. They are divided into layer chicken cages, broiler chicken cages, brooding chicken cages, breeder chicken cages, etc. according to different varieties of chickens. To develop ecological chicken farming, automated poultry equipment is a must. Not only does it save effort, but it can also create higher profits.


  1. Feeding and Daily Management

During the chick period, attention should be paid to the management of feed feeding and other aspects. Chicks are relatively fragile. In order to improve the survival rate, farmers should focus on the management of chicks, and strictly control the light and humidity. Adult chickens are mainly for fattening, so it is necessary to strengthen the feeding of concentrates and feed them in the evening.


The breeding site should be cleaned frequently to maintain hygiene, and attention should be paid to disinfection of the breeding site during the peak period of infectious diseases to prevent chickens from contracting germs.

The above is the selection of poultry equipment manufactures from the chicken house, chicken house management, poultry cage equipment, and daily feeding management. It is convenient to analyze the ecological chicken raising. Hope to be able to help poultry farming friends make sense when starting a poultry farming project.