星期一, 21 10月 2019 09:10

Careful management of broiler chicken breeding in chicken houses

Farmers can raise chickens according to their own conditions. Whether they are broiler chickens or laying hens, they need suitable layer battery cage for feeding. If you choose to breed broiler chickens, the environmental management of broilers will become more important, whether it is Equipment for raising chickens, or closed-type chickens have higher environmental requirements. Doing environmental management can better breed broiler chickens. How should broiler culture be managed?



1. Temperature management of the house: The temperature inside the house will affect the growth speed of the broiler and whether it is strong. Therefore, it is the key for the farmers to control the temperature. Generally, in the case of broiler chickens, the farmers should raise the temperature of the house. In the first 2 weeks, the temperature is preferably 32-35 ° C. The temperature change and the body temperature can not be too different. If it exceeds 8 ° C, it is easy to cause death. Chick body during this periodWeak quality, less feathers, can not rely on its own constant body temperature, must rely on manual control of the ambient temperature. After 2 weeks of age, it is appropriate to reduce the temperature by 3 °C per week. The cooling rate is too fast, the broiler does not adapt, and too slow is not good for feather growth. From 5 weeks of age, maintaining an ambient temperature of 20-25 °C is most beneficial for weight gain and feed remuneration. Broilers pay great attention to temperature control throughout the feeding period.


2. Ventilation management of chicken houses: Ventilation of closed chicken houses is generally carried out using broiler culture equipment fans. The growth rate of broilers is very fast, and the number of broilers is high. The carbon dioxide and the ammonia of the manure are many, which easily affects the health of the flocks. The household must adjust the ventilation volume in the house according to the temperature and the growth of the broiler, and remove the harmful gas from the house to allow fresh air to enter the house.




3, chicken house lighting management: the light of the closed house is all light, the purpose of the light work is to extend the feeding time, promote growth speed, light time is generally 23 hours a day, 1 hour dark. Generally, after the second week, the evening intermittent lighting is implemented, that is, the light is fed, and the light is turned off after the feeding. However, be careful to have enough feeding time each time, otherwise it will affect the feed intake and cause uneven growth. The light intensity is slightly stronger in the first three days. It is suitable for 10 lux, so that the young chicks are familiar with the environment, easy to eat and drink, and then reduce the light intensity to the minimum intensity, 2.5-5 lux. Low light can reduce the occurrence of chicken sputum, and the chickens are safe and fattening.


4, the humidity management of the chicken house: Generally speaking, in the appropriate temperature range, the ideal relative humidity is 60-65%, and the farmers should pay attention to when the relative humidity in the house is less than 40%, the broiler will Feather growth is poor, and it can cause a large increase in dust in the air, which can easily lead to respiratory diseases.


The above is the meticulous management of battery cage for broilers to raise chickens. Only a comfortable and hygienic environment for broilers can better grow broilers and improve the efficiency of farmers.