星期二, 28 12月 2021 09:29

Learning these four points allows you to buy high-quality poultry layer cages

Poultry farmers are now developing rapidly, and poultry layer cages have also been widely recognized by poultry farmers. The use of modern chicken cages for poultry breeding requires not only scientific breeding methods, but also the ability to purchase poultry farming equipment.

First of all, the material of the cage must be judged. If farmers want to make chickens have a suitable living environment, they must first ensure the strength and toughness of the cages. The cages can be restored when they are deformed when they are held by hands. This cage is suitable for the life of the chickens and will not be caused by the cage. It is hard and causes pectoral bursitis in chickens.

Second, ask the poultry farmer what preservative method is used for the chicken cage mesh. Then observe whether the surface of the chicken coop is smooth and whether the gloss is good. Generally, the surface of the cage made by hot-dip galvanizing process is relatively smooth and will not cause scratches to the chickens, and the gloss of the cage is also good, and it looks beautiful and generous. The most important thing is that the battery layer cages processed by hot-dip galvanizing are corrosion resistant, will not rust, and have a long service life.



The third chicken cage chassis setting skills. Since laying hens will lay eggs during the breeding process, farmers should pay attention to the wire spacing of the cage and the inclined surface of the chassis when purchasing cages. In order to ensure that the eggs can roll out smoothly without cracking, it is generally The wire distance is about 1.5 cm, and the slope of the chassis is 7-8 degrees.

The most important thing is to choose a regular poultry cage manufacturer. The most important point is that when purchasing cages, farmers must go to a regular large manufacturer to purchase, because the process of production equipment of large manufacturers is strictly inspected, and the price of products directly sold by the manufacturer will be higher than the price of the equipment in the hands of the agent. Low. This not only guarantees the quality of the purchased products, but also saves a lot of purchase funds.