星期四, 31 10月 2019 08:09

Characteristics of laying hens for laying hens

With the continuous development of the aquaculture industry, the current farms use fully automatic poultry farming equipment to raise chickens, such as chicken cages, septic equipment, feeding equipment, etc. Chicken manure is produced every day, so the chicken house is clear. The manure should be treated in time, and the use of laying hen equipment to raise chickens not only does not require manual decontamination, but also does not require manual feeding. The manure in the house is cleaned and there is a manure machine, and the laying hen is fed with a feeding machine. Here are some of the features of the feeding machine for laying hens.





Layer equipment loading machine features:


1. The traveling power system of the feeding machine is driven by the advanced cycloidal pinwheel reducer motor. There is no damage during the driving process, the probability of failure is low, and its service life is relatively long, and the operation is relatively stable, and the noise is relatively low. small.

2. The walking system of the feeding machine is driven by chain and sprocket, which has better anti-vibration effect and corrosion resistance. The guide rails are laid with square steel, which is relatively stable in walking and increases the contact area, which can prevent slippage and save energy.

3. The frame of the feeding machine is made of steel and welded. The structure is reasonable, the bearing capacity is large, and deformation is not easy.

4. Its distribution system uses Zhengtai Electric, which uses limit switches. It can automatically stop when the end of walking. Manufacturers can also design various electrical control systems according to different needs of users.

5. The feeding system of the feeding machine adopts the core technology design and is equipped with a refiner to ensure uniform feeding.

6. The lifting system adopts flat conveyor and vertical conveyor. The farmers can control the feeding through the control system switch, thus ensuring the accuracy of cutting, and also saving the farmers and improving work efficiency.

The above is about the characteristics of the feeding machine in the laying equipment for the farmers. When feeding with the Chicken Breeding Equipment, the first thing to do is to choose the chicken feed, hoping to help the farmers.