Tuesday, 13 August 2019 09:08

How to make chicken feed not wasted?

Chickens in chicken poultry farming equipment have different nutrients in different stages of growth, so the amount of feed they feed must be accurately controlled. Scientific feed feeding measures can also reduce the cost of raising chickens and maximize the profit of raising chickens.

Poultry farming, according to the different growth stages of chickens, taking accurate feeding control measures is an important part of raising chickens. It is well known that 80% of the cost of poultry farming is the cost of feed, no waste, precise control can be used for poultry farming. The benefits are maximized. The breeds commonly raised by chicken farmers are laying hens and broilers. Today we will control the feeding of these two kinds of chickens.


Feeding of laying hens:

Egg-type chicks need about 15 kg of concentrate in the 5 months of growth. After they become real laying hens, they must accurately control the amount of feed. According to the laying level and laying period of laying hens, The specific feed amount is controlled in stages, 40% of which is green feed, and the rest is divided according to the situation.


Broiler feeding:

Compared with the laying hens, the meat-type chickens are the chickens themselves, and the laying of the chickens is the deputy. In the growth stage of the carnivorous chickens, the concentrate needs about 18 kg, and the subsequent feeding ingredients are mostly protein and feed ingredients. The feed is centered, others are second, and reasonable arrangements, there is no specific amount here, as long as one purpose, the chicken can not eat.






In the process of growing the chicken, there are also restrictions on feeding, that is, inhibiting the growth and development of the chicken, delaying the maturity of the chicken, thereby controlling the chicken's egg production, body weight, egg weight and other data, so as to maximize the benefits. Use full-price compound feed to improve feed absorption and utilization. The nutrient composition of the diet is not comprehensive, and it is undoubtedly the biggest and less noticeable waste to increase the feed intake. The scientific formula must be used to formulate the feed according to the physiological characteristics and growth and development of the chicken.



Feed crushing should not be too fine. Too fine feed is neither suitable for feeding nor dust, resulting in waste of feed. Improve the trough to prevent feed waste. Provide a well-structured trough according to the age of the chicken. Try not to let the chicken enter the trough, and at the same time, let the chicken out of the trough. Improve the feeding method and feed less. The amount of feed should not exceed one third of the depth of the trough. Both the chickens are full and there is no leftover in the tank.


Pay attention to save. Prevent the mold from becoming mildewed, pests, rain and direct sunlight. Timely elimination of low-yielding chickens, discontinued chickens and older chickens in poultry farming cage equipment.