星期二, 28 8月 2018 01:58

Harmfulness of Ventilation in Poultry Houses

Because broilers grow fast, metabolism is high, and they are high-density breeding, as the chickens continue to grow, more and more fresh air is needed, and more feces are discharged, and the more harmful gases are produced. The more gases that are most harmful to chickens, the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide for battery cage system in poultry.

Ammonia is a colorless gas with a strong pungent odor. It has a small specific gravity and generally rises to the top in a warm house. However, since ammonia is produced on the ground and around the chicken, the content of the ground in the chicken house is also high, especially When the house is wet and poorly ventilated, the concentration of ammonia in the house is higher. Chicken is particularly sensitive to ammonia. Ammonia has a stimulating effect on the mucous membrane of chickens, which can cause mucosal congestion and edema of the conjunctiva and upper respiratory tract. Pathogens fly through the upper respiratory tract and lung infections to the chest and abdominal airbags, causing respiratory disease in chickens, and the feed intake is reduced, which not only affects the growth and development of chickens, but also reduces the resistance of chickens to diseases, chickens and diseases. The incidence of chicken venomosis is increased and the production performance is greatly reduced in battery cage for layers.