Chicken Farming Information for Chicken Breeds

If you want to raise chickens, then the daily management of the chicken farm is very important. If you have a large number of chickens, you should use Poultry Equipment for Sale to raise chickens, and you must raise chickens and manage the chickens daily.


First of all, the mental state of the chicken is directly determined by whether the chicken is healthy. Therefore, by checking the mental state of the flock, it is possible to judge the health of the flock. Whether the mental state of the chicken is normal or not can be judged by three aspects. One is the state in which the chicken is directly reflected, such as whether it is depressed, whether it is dozing off, whether it is getting together or whether it is too excited. In addition, the sound of the chicken, as well as the situation of the chicken drinking water and eating materials, can determine whether the chicken's mental state is normal.



The main factors affecting the air quality of the house are ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide. Now entering the winter, the air quality is more prone to problems, which is the point that the chicken farmers should pay attention to every day. To improve air quality, in addition to ventilation, there are ways to clean up the stool and replace the litter in time. In fact, it is not an abnormal thing to have dead chickens in chicken farms. Because of frailty or other various factors, there are very few dead chickens, and chicken farmers do not need to panic. Chicken farmers check dead chickens every day. It is important to understand the cause of death and mortality. Knowing the reasons can take the right response, and mortality is an important indicator for diagnosing chicken disease.


Observe the color of the chicken in the layer chicken cages for sale and quickly determine the health of the flock. Once diarrhea or other abnormal feces are found, the chicken farmers should take a response as soon as possible. Check the light, ventilation and other conditions of the house every day. Check the temperature. You should not only look at the thermometer. Also pay attention to whether the actual temperature is consistent with the thermometer. The same is true for checking the humidity. Especially for the chicks, the humidity has a greater impact. The chicken farmers feel and observe the condition of the chickens to judge. If the taste of the chicken house makes you feel uncomfortable, then the chickens will definitely not be able to pull a few, and will not be comfortable. As for lighting, laying hens and broilers have different lighting schemes. Chicken farmers need to check the intensity and uniformity of the light every day to avoid deviations.