Chicken Farming Information for Chicken Breeds

Automatic poultry farming equipment is naturally indispensable for waterlines. Because in order to avoid the pollution of external bacteria during the chicken raising process, the water lines of the chicken houses are completely closed. Many chicken farms only ignore the disinfection according to the time of water supply, and the water line is drinking water. The pollution has become the main source of sickness of the chickens. It is a difficult problem to clean and disinfect the water line of the chicken house, especially in the hot season, nutrition and health products, anti-stress drugs, additives, vitamins, electrolytes, etc. Pollution cleaning and disinfection is a big problem. Keeping the chicken clean water line is a good job for the farm. Because the water line is closed, it is difficult to observe the internal conditions, causing the bacteria to multiply, and a large number of microorganisms are collected in the pipeline. When the time is long, the bacteria will form, and eventually the effect will be affected. The health of the flock. In addition, drugs that are placed on the waterline will also form a precipitate in the pipeline, causing blockage of the pipeline.





The water line in the chicken poultry farm cage is really dirty. Especially after the medicine is used, even if it is a new water line, it will be so dirty in a few months. Many people don’t know how to clean it. It has never been cleaned in a few years, then the water line. How to clean it, trim a sponge ball slightly larger than the water pipe, open the drain valve, put a sponge ball from the water inlet, the sponge ball is discharged from the drain along the pipe, the sponge ball can be used repeatedly, once a month, the effect is very Well, it is better than the medicine pipe for cleaning the water line.



Reasons for raising chickens to clean the water line: Avoid breeding microorganisms. If the water is not cleaned for a long time, a large amount of dirt, drug residues and algae will be generated in the water pipes, drinking fountains and water tanks, causing the water line flowing through the bacteria to be filled, causing the health of the chickens. Threat, so clean the water line regularly to ensure that the chickens drink clean water every day.Chicken 2 clean water line Cause 2: Avoid scale clogging nipples, if the nipple blockage will cause uneven drinking water in the flock, especially in the summer when the chickens drink insufficient water will produce a stress reaction, or even heat stroke, regularly clean the water line, can guarantee the chicken The group gets ample water.Reasons for raising chickens to clean water lines: affecting the immune effect of chickens. If water lines are not cleaned for a long time, there will be algae and drug residues. Immunization with freeze-dried seedlings will seriously affect the vaccine effect and eventually cause immune failure.The acidifier can be selected for cleaning the water line. The acidifier can effectively remove the dirt, and at the same time, it can kill harmful bacteria and thus clean the water line. It is relatively simple to use an acidifier, just add an acidifier to the water, and then rinse the tube several times to become very clean.