Chicken Farming Information for Chicken Breeds
Tuesday, 22 January 2019 08:16

Is the chicken house disinfected way right?

We all know that if we want to raise chickens, this part of disinfection plays a decisive role in breeding. It is reasonable to reduce the incidence of disinfection, which greatly reduces the cost of breeding. If the disinfection is unreasonable, it will waste money and delay the disease. Increase the incidence of flocks and reduce our economic benefits. Today we will come together to see how disinfection is the most correct.


1. The general situation of the chicken battery cages is to disinfect twice a week, at least once a week, and more frequently in the summer.


2. Two or more disinfectant products must be used alternately in the farm.


3. It is very important to thoroughly clean the farm before disinfection. It is very important not to dust the house, the roof spider web layer is layered, the ground is not cleaned, and disinfection is started. The disinfection effect is very poor. It is the same as no disinfection. This is also a mistake that many farmers' friends tend to ignore and easy to make. Everyone must pay attention.



4. 3 days after the vaccination vaccine, do not disinfect the chicken farm, and do not disinfect the chicken farm equipment. Otherwise it will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.


5. When disinfecting with disinfectant water, whether it is summer or winter, it is not possible to spray the disinfectant directly onto the chicken. Instead, it is sprayed on the top of the hall or above the chicken cage. It can fall naturally on the chicken body and cannot be sprayed directly onto the chicken. To prevent the chickens from catching a cold.


6. When disinfecting in winter, try to use the Chinese medicine disinfection to fumigation, which can effectively prevent the chickens from catching a cold.


7. When using disinfectant for disinfection, it should be disinfected strictly according to the ratio. Do not increase the proportion of disinfection at random, so that it will not increase the disinfection effect and increase toxicity.


In short, the disinfection of chicken farms is very rigorous. If we can properly disinfect, it will greatly reduce the incidence of chicken farms, reduce our farming costs, and thus improve our economic efficiency.

Published in Layer Chicken Farms
Tuesday, 22 January 2019 08:15

Why Chicken immune failure

When we raise chickens in poultry farming equipment, it is common to vaccinate chickens to prevent disease, but sometimes it is still vaccinated. Why is this?

The first is that immunization is unscientific. The time of inoculation is not appropriate. Therefore, there is an inaccurate possibility of immune effect.

The second is that no antibody detection is performed. If the flock is in a special period, it is prone to immune failure without antibody testing.

The third is that the dose used for the vaccine is not accurate. It is not good for chickens to use large doses of vaccines.and is to cause adverse reactions after inoculation.


Published in Layer Chicken Farms