Chicken Farming Information for Chicken Breeds

With the development of technology, automatic chicken raising equipment is now used in various chicken farms to raise chickens. This can reduce manual labor and make raising chickens very convenient. In addition, the editor has encountered such a problem, that is, an epidemic has occurred in a certain farm, which has caused serious losses. Therefore, after consulting many farmers, the editor  has compiled some information on breeding How to prevent epidemics in the field.


First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the sanitary environment of the chicken house. The person in charge of each farm can formulate appropriate sanitation and disinfection systems according to the conditions of their respective farms, and disinfection measures should also be taken when each staff enters and leaves the chicken house. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly pay attention to the disinfection and sanitation of egg boxes, turnover cages and various chicken raising equipment in the chicken house.



Secondly, before building a chicken farm, you should choose a suitable location. General chicken farms are recommended to be built in places far away from villages, cities and main roads. You can choose some places with high terrain and no polluting factories. Choosing a good site is also an epidemic prevention measure.


In addition, the automatic chicken raising equipment in the chicken house should be arranged reasonably. Keep each chicken house at a corresponding safe distance. Even if there are some problems in one chicken house, it will not affect other chicken houses. At the same time, chickens at different stages are also recommended to be raised separately, which reduces the breeding of bacteria. lead to cross infection.


The above is the use of automated chicken raising equipment for epidemic prevention shared by poultry equipment manufacturers. Hope there is something that can help poultry farmers.