Layer Chicken Farms - Poultry Farming Strategies of Layers and Broilers
Tuesday, 22 January 2019 08:16

Is the chicken house disinfected way right?

We all know that if we want to raise chickens, this part of disinfection plays a decisive role in breeding. It is reasonable to reduce the incidence of disinfection, which greatly reduces the cost of breeding. If the disinfection is unreasonable, it will waste money and delay the disease. Increase the incidence of flocks and reduce our economic benefits. Today we will come together to see how disinfection is the most correct.


1. The general situation of the chicken battery cages is to disinfect twice a week, at least once a week, and more frequently in the summer.


2. Two or more disinfectant products must be used alternately in the farm.


3. It is very important to thoroughly clean the farm before disinfection. It is very important not to dust the house, the roof spider web layer is layered, the ground is not cleaned, and disinfection is started. The disinfection effect is very poor. It is the same as no disinfection. This is also a mistake that many farmers' friends tend to ignore and easy to make. Everyone must pay attention.



4. 3 days after the vaccination vaccine, do not disinfect the chicken farm, and do not disinfect the chicken farm equipment. Otherwise it will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.


5. When disinfecting with disinfectant water, whether it is summer or winter, it is not possible to spray the disinfectant directly onto the chicken. Instead, it is sprayed on the top of the hall or above the chicken cage. It can fall naturally on the chicken body and cannot be sprayed directly onto the chicken. To prevent the chickens from catching a cold.


6. When disinfecting in winter, try to use the Chinese medicine disinfection to fumigation, which can effectively prevent the chickens from catching a cold.


7. When using disinfectant for disinfection, it should be disinfected strictly according to the ratio. Do not increase the proportion of disinfection at random, so that it will not increase the disinfection effect and increase toxicity.


In short, the disinfection of chicken farms is very rigorous. If we can properly disinfect, it will greatly reduce the incidence of chicken farms, reduce our farming costs, and thus improve our economic efficiency.


Automatic poultry farming equipment plays a very important role in the modern breeding industry. They are also widely used by farmers. It is very necessary to do a good job of maintenance during the use of breeding equipment, so that they can work better. Effective maintenance and maintenance can extend the use time of the equipment, so how should we pay attention to maintenance during use?


The content of maintenance and maintenance of automated chicken breeding equipment generally includes daily maintenance, regular maintenance, regular inspection and precision inspection. In addition, for some exciting equipment, equipment lubrication and cooling system maintenance is also an important part of maintenance. Generally speaking, daily maintenance is the basis of equipment maintenance work. Therefore, farmers need to be standardized and institutionalized to maintain and manage.


Periodic inspection is a planned, targeted and preventive inspection. In addition to the human senses, the inspection means must also have certain inspection tools and instruments. Farmers should observe and inspect the operation of chicken battery cages, automatic feeding systems, automatic drinking water systems, automatic ventilation systems, and automatic manure removal systems on a regular basis.


The maintenance of breeding equipment needs to be carried out on a regular basis, so that the operating conditions of the equipment can be grasped in real time, and problems and failures can be discovered in time and solved immediately. We usually maintain effective maintenance at any time during use, so as to effectively extend the service life of the equipment and save time and effort.

Friday, 07 December 2018 03:02

chicken house Construction Suggest

The construction of the chicken house is related to the breeding work of the chickens in the back. The scientific and reasonable chicken house can play a role in improving work efficiency and management convenience. Now I would like to
suggest the construction of the battery cage system for layer as follows:

layer chicken cage for ordinary window chicken houses

The chicken house has windows, which can use natural light and natural ventilation to save production costs. Generally, there is no mechanical ventilation device, and most of the brick and wood structure is used. The building form is
basically the same as that of common civil buildings, but it is often opened at both ends. Floor window and roof vent cap.
The construction cost of such a house is medium, and the environmental control efficiency is general. When the person controls the illumination, it is difficult to shorten the illumination time. Thorough disinfection is more difficult
and suitable for small-scale professional households.

Are you looking for reliable and efficient chicken farming equipment for your poultry business? 

Why Choose A-type 4-Tier Layer Battery Cages? If you're serious about maximizing your space and resources in poultry farming, then A-type 4-tier layer battery cages are the perfect choice. These cages are designed to provide optimal space efficiency, ease of management, improved health and productivity of chickens, and long-term durability. They are ideal for urban or semi-urban farming environments where space is limited.

Features of A-type 4-Tier Layer Battery Cages LIVI Poultry Equipment Factory's A-type 4-tier layer battery cages are made from high-quality materials, ensuring they are durable and built to last. The vertical design of the cages allows farmers to keep a high number of layers in a limited space. They are also equipped with automated feeding systems, advanced watering systems, waste management systems, and proper ventilation and lighting systems to create an optimal living condition for the layers.

Customer Testimonials and Success Stories Our A-type 4-tier layer battery cages have received positive feedback from farmers across different regions. John Mwangi from Kenya says his egg production has doubled since switching to our cages. Amina Adewale from Nigeria highly recommends our cages for their durability and efficiency. Peter Otieno from Kenya says the investment in our chicken cages has paid off tremendously.

How to Purchase and Install A-type 4-Tier Layer Battery Cages Purchasing and installing our A-type 4-tier layer battery cages is a straightforward process. Contact us through our website or customer service hotline to discuss your requirements and get a quote. Once you have decided on the specifications and quantity, place your order. We offer competitive pricing and various payment options to suit your needs. We ensure timely delivery of the cages to your location in Ibadan or any other part of Nigeria. Our team of experts is available to assist with the installation process. We also provide comprehensive after-sales support, including maintenance tips and troubleshooting assistance to ensure your farming operations run smoothly.

Conclusion Investing in A-type 4-tier layer battery cages from LIVI Poultry Equipment Factory is a smart choice for poultry farmers in Ibadan, Nigeria. With numerous benefits such as space efficiency, ease of management, improved health and productivity of chickens, and long-term durability, these cages can significantly enhance your farming operations and contribute to economic growth and food security in the region. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can help you achieve success in poultry farming.

When using layer chicken cages to raise chickens, humidity is also an important condition for brooding, but chicken farmers generally do not pay enough attention. The humidity in the brooding house is generally expressed in relative humidity. The higher the relative humidity, the more humid the air; the lower the relative humidity, the drier the air.

After the chicks come out of the shell, they enter the brooder house. If the humidity of the air is too low, the moisture in the chicks will be exhaled through breathing, which is not conducive to the absorption of the remaining yolk in the chicks and the growth of the chicks' feathers. Once the chicks have been given a drink, the chicks often develop diarrhea due to too much water.

Appropriate humidity requirement: 60%-65% before 10 days of age, and then reduced to 55%-60%. In the early stage of brooding, due to the dry litter, the house is often hot and low humidity, which is easy to increase the water loss of the chicks, loss of appetite, frequent drinking, dry and brittle fluff, and dry toes.

In addition, too dry can easily lead to dust, causing respiratory and digestive diseases. Therefore, this stage must pay attention to the replenishment of water in the house. You can spray water on the aisle or wall of the house to increase humidity, or place a basin or kettle on the stove to burn water to generate steam to increase the humidity in the house.

After 10 days of age, the chicks developed quickly, gained weight, and their feed intake, water intake, breathing volume, and excretion volume increased with each passing day, and the temperature in the house gradually decreased. Especially in the midsummer and rainy seasons, it is easy to have excessive humidity. The chicks are not well adapted to the humid environment. The low temperature and high humidity in the brooding house will exacerbate the adverse effects on the chicks at low temperatures. The chicks will feel colder and even tremble with cold, at this time susceptible to various respiratory diseases. When the high temperature and high humidity in the brooding house, the water evaporation and heat dissipation of the chicks are hindered, and they feel more sultry and uncomfortable, and the chicks are prone to coccidiosis and aspergillosis.

Therefore, during the period when laying hens cages are used to raise chickens, it is necessary to change the litter frequently and strengthen ventilation. When adding drinking water, prevent water from spilling onto the ground or litter.

In the process of raising chickens in automated layer cages, the comprehensiveness of feed nutrients is the basis for improving the high yield of layer hens. Sometimes the egg shell becomes thin and easy to break, and the color varies from light to dark. It means that the laying hens are lacking in calcium.


The first layer lacks calcium content in the feed. Farmers should know that calcium is an essential nutrient substance for laying hens to grow and lay eggs. It should be adjusted according to the growth of the laying hens and the laying situation. Therefore, farmers should pay attention to calcium supplementation for laying hens.



The nutrients of calcium and phosphorus in the feed are not balanced. Farmers should pay attention to whether the nutrients in the breeding are balanced. Too much phosphorus will affect the absorption of calcium. Calcium and phosphorus affect the strength of the eggshell.


Long-term cage breeding and lack of light: Most farmers now use the method of raising chickens in layer cages to raise layer hens. Most of the chicken houses are closed, so the layer chickens cannot get effective light. Farmers need to purchase lighting equipment for artificial lighting. But if the farmers do not perform the proper order, it will affect the absorption of calcium in the laying hens. At the same time, when the supplemented concentrate calcium is less, there will be a lack of calcium.


The above are the several reasons why layer cage manufacturers have summarized the calcium deficiency of layers for farmers. I hope that the above description can bring some help to farmers.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 08:36

Daily maintenance of laying hens

The inside and outside of the egg cage are neat and tidy. It is necessary to ensure that there are no oil on each sliding surface, screw, rack, gear box, oil hole, etc., no oil leakage or air leakage in all parts, and chips, debris and dirt around the equipment. Clean and clean; tools, accessories, workpieces (products) should be placed neatly, pipes and lines should be organized; lubricated and oiled or oil changed on time, continuous oil, no dry friction, normal oil pressure, bright oil mark, smooth oil passage, oil The quality meets the requirements, the oil gun, oil cup and linoleum are clean; the safety operation rules are observed, the equipment is not overloaded, the safety protection device of the equipment is complete and reliable, and the unsafe factors are eliminated in time.


The daily maintenance of the egg cage is the basic work of equipment maintenance, and must be institutionalized and standardized. For the regular maintenance of equipment, work quotas and material consumption quotas shall be established, and assessment shall be carried out according to the quota. The regular maintenance work of equipment shall be included in the assessment content of the workshop contract responsibility system. Regular inspection of equipment is a planned preventive inspection. In addition to the human senses, the inspection methods must also have certain inspection tools and instruments. The inspections are carried out according to regular inspection cards. Regular inspections are also called periodic inspections. The mechanical equipment should also be checked for accuracy to determine the degree of accuracy of the equipment.




Layer chicken cages maintenance should be carried out in accordance with maintenance procedures. Equipment maintenance procedures are requirements and regulations for routine maintenance of equipment. Persistence in equipment maintenance procedures can extend equipment life and ensure a safe and comfortable working environment. Its main content should include:


1. The equipment should be neat, clean, sturdy, lubricated, anti-corrosive, safe, etc., the working content, working methods, tools and materials used, standards and precautions;


2. The parts, methods and standards for daily inspection and maintenance and regular inspection;


3. Check and assess the content and methods of operating workers to maintain equipment.


The high temperature in summer will affect the laying rate of laying hens to varying degrees. Here are some practical methods to ensure the high yield and stable production of laying hens raised in automatic chicken battery cage density through the summer.

Implement strict sanitation and disinfection measures

Summer spray disinfection can not only kill germs and purify the air in the house, but also lower the temperature of the house. It should be carried out at 10 am and 3 pm, but attention should be paid to the spray speed and the height should be appropriate. The spray diameter should be moderate. The disinfectant used must be efficient, non-toxic and side-effects, strong adhesion, and low irritating odor. So as not to induce respiratory diseases in chickens. Cause unnecessary losses.

Protect the chicken's own cooling and heatstroke prevention behavior

In order to adapt to hot weather conditions. Chickens often have some instinctive behaviors. If you open your mouth to breathe in order to dissipate heat, spread your wings. Increasing the contact area between the epidermis and the air and facilitating conduction and heat dissipation are all instinctive responses of chickens to adapt to high temperatures. Should be protected.

Use automatic ventilation system

When the temperature exceeds 30°C. The ceiling fan can be turned on to cool down the open type chicken house, and the closed type chicken house can adopt the longitudinal ventilation method to cool down. That is, an energy air outlet is set at the front door of the chicken house, and an exhaust outlet is set at the back door. A certain number of high-power exhaust fans are reasonably and evenly set up according to the size of the chicken house, and the west side windows are closed when the wind is active to prevent hot air from being injected. After the fan is turned on, the discharge of dirty air in the house and the injection of outdoor fresh air can be accelerated, effectively reducing the temperature of the house.