Broiler Feeding System - Poultry Farming Strategies of Layers and Broilers

Using broiler battery cages to raising chicken is very convenient because it reduces the burden on most farmers, but it also places higher demands on farmers. Chicken living in cages also need to be managed. Some people will have some related problems. Today we will discuss the problems that should be paid attention to when raising broiler chicken with automatic breeding equipment.

  1. Matters needing attention in temperature

(1) Place the thermometer reasonably

In standardized chicken house breeding, the length and width of the chicken house are relatively large, and the temperature in the east, west, or north and south of the chicken house is inconsistent. Attention should be paid to the reasonable placement of thermometers. One thermometer should be placed in the east, middle, and west of the poultry chicken cages. Get the average temperature in the chicken house.

(2) Measures that change with the seasons

Need to cool down in summer. Breeders can use wet curtains and fans to reduce the temperature in the chicken house. At the same time, you should pay attention to the opening time of the wet curtain, to avoid the temperature in the chicken house is too low or the temperature in the chicken house is inconsistent, causing chickens to catch a cold.

 Temperature control in autumn. Because of the large temperature difference between day and night in autumn, the temperature in the chicken house should be adjusted to avoid the phenomenon of high and low temperature.

 In winter, heat preservation can be used to increase the temperature in the chicken house through heating or a blower.

  1. Pay attention to the problem of density

Pay attention to the density of broilers in cages. Actually, pay attention to the different feed intake of each cage chicken, adjust the number of chickens in each cage and achieve even feed intake.

  1. Matters needing attention in immunization

Raising broiler chicken in battery cages usually adopt drinking water immunization methods during immunization. When immunizing, attention should be paid to the vaccine dosage and drinking time. The drinking time should not be too long. Too long can easily reduce the efficiency of vaccine immunity.

In the process of developing poultry farming projects in broiler chicken cages, it is hoped that the nutrients contained in each feed that chickens eat are balanced. Otherwise, the flock will suffer from malnutrition, nutrient deficiency or poisoning. Therefore, the feeding formula of the chickens in the automatic broiler cage can be stirred evenly to meet the nutritional needs of the chickens.


There are two methods of feed mechanical mixing and manual mixing. As long as it is used properly, satisfactory results can be obtained.


  1. The broiler cage feed is mechanically mixed, using a broiler cage mixer. Commonly used broiler cage mixers are vertical and horizontal.


The vertical mixer is suitable for mixing powdered feed with a water content of less than 14%. If the water content is too high, it is difficult to mix evenly. This kind of broiler cage mixer requires small power and is easy to maintain, but the mixing time is long (generally 10-20 minutes per batch), which is suitable for chicken farmers and small chicken farms.


The horizontal mixer can mix the broiler cage feed evenly in areas with relatively humid climates or when strong viscous ingredients (such as grease) are added to the feed. The machine has a short mixing time, 3-4 minutes per batch, and is mainly used in some feed processing plants. No matter what kind of broiler cage mixer is used, in order to stir evenly, the charging amount must be appropriate. Too much or too little charging cannot be uniform. Generally, 60%-80% of the capacity is suitable for charging. The mixing time is also an important factor related to the mixing quality. The mixing time is too short, but it is not the longer the better. If the mixing is too long, the feed will be mixed evenly and then cause stratification due to excessive mixing.



  1. Manual mixing is the main method of feed mixing when raising chickens at home.


When mixing, be careful and patient to prevent some trace ingredients from clumping and agglomerating. Uneven mixing will affect the feeding effect.


When manually mixing chickens in battery cages for broiler, special attention should be paid to some trace components that account for a small proportion in the diet but will seriously affect the feeding effect. Such as salt and various additives. If the mixing is not uniform, the feeding effect will be affected in the light, and the chickens will be poisoned or even die in serious cases.


For such trace components, the broiler cage feed must be fully crushed when mixing, and there should be no agglomeration. The agglomerates may be poisoned after being eaten by the chickens. Secondly, due to the small amount of such ingredients, they cannot be directly added to bulk feed for mixing, but should be pre-mixed.


The method is: take 10%-20% of the concentrate (which is a large proportion of energy feed, such as corn) as a carrier, and stack it in addition, and press the feed of the next shovel on the feed put down by the previous shovel, that is, go all the way to the feed. The feed is placed on the top, and the feed flows around the center point to form a cone, so that various broiler cage feeds have the opportunity to mix. Repeat this 3-4 times to achieve the purpose of mixing evenly, and the premix is ​​ready. This premix is ​​then added to the whole feed and mixed 3-4 times in the same way to achieve the purpose.

Layer cage manufacturers talk about every stage in the process of broiler breeding, and the later breeding of broilers also needs attention. The growth rate and survival rate of broilers in the later period are directly related to the economic benefits of the farmers, so the fattening work of broilers in the later period must be paid attention to to reduce the mortality of the flock.




1. Ensure proper temperature: When raising broilers in the late stage, the breeder should pay attention to the temperature of the chicken house not to be set too high. The proper temperature is that the chickens are evenly evacuated, the body stretches, and some chickens open their mouths to breathe as an indication, and leave. Near the heat source, the breathing rate is too fast, mostly caused by the high indoor temperature, adjust the temperature in time. In summer, the temperature is too high and the feed intake of chickens cannot increase. Therefore, a suitable temperature can ensure the best conversion function of the feed. In summer, the focus is on heatstroke prevention and cooling. Adequate ventilation: In the later stage, the chicken house is mainly ventilated to improve the small environment in the house and ensure sufficient oxygen circulation to ensure the normal metabolism of the chicken body and the absorption of nutrients. When ventilating, avoid cool breeze blowing directly on the chicken body. Relying on the water curtain to cool down in summer is not very stressful for the chickens that gradually adapt to the wind speed, but the existence of the wind speed will more or less affect the chicken's mobility.


2. Ensure reasonable light management: light work is a very important task in chicken breeding. Farmers know that broiler chickens have a short growth cycle and high feed remuneration. For farmers, excessive weight gain is feed intake. Speed, especially light, is directly related to feed intake, so farmers must control the light in the chicken coop during the later stage of broiler breeding.


3. Pay more attention to the flock of chickens: When the flocks are resting at night, the farmers can observe the flocks frequently, listen to the breathing of the chickens, whether there are snoring, hiccups, or sneezing. If you have the above symptoms, you should think of the respiratory tract. Disease, observe whether there are respiratory symptoms, walk slowly in the chicken coop and listen after turning off the light for about half an hour.


4. Choose reasonable disinfection drugs in broiler cages : Disinfection with chickens is a must to ensure the health of the chicken coop and flocks. When choosing disinfection drugs, farmers are advised to choose a broad-spectrum, efficient, strong, non-toxic and harmless , Low-irritating and non-corrosive disinfection drugs, and disinfect according to scientific and reasonable steps to avoid disinfection errors that affect the health of the chickens.


5. The correct method for disinfection of chickens: When disinfecting, the farmers first prepare the liquid medicine in the disinfection container, start the disinfection from one end of the chicken coop, and walk towards the other end while spraying. The spray nozzle should be upward to make the sprayed liquid drop slowly like a mist. The ground, walls, cages, and ceilings should be sprayed with liquid liquid, and the action should be gentle. Do not disinfect the chickens to prevent the chickens from breathing. To drugs that cause diseases of the respiratory tract.


6.  the late-stage medication should be prescribed to the symptoms: in the later stage of raising broilers, the late-stage medication is the stage where the drug cost of the whole batch of chickens rises the fastest, so the medication must be stable and accurate at this stage, and do not blindly administer the medication. In the later stage of administration, you must prescribe the right medicine on the premise of a clear diagnosis. If you miss the best treatment opportunity, the flock may lose control, which is very likely to cause disastrous consequences.

Nowadays, automatic chicken raising equipment are emerging in endlessly. Many farmers will rely on some automatic chicken raising equipment to raise broilers to improve work efficiency and reduce labor intensity. Although chicken raising techniques and methods have improved, many farmers still cannot get good benefits. In order to help the majority of farmers improve their scientific management level and achieve better economic benefits, let’s discuss some things that need to be paid attention to when using automatic breeding equipment to raise chickens.

  • Choose the automatic chicken raising equipment that suits you: Among the modern chicken breeding equipment, the types of automatic chicken raising equipment include: automatic feeding machine, automatic manure cleaning machine, automatic egg picker, fan wet curtain, automatic drinking water equipment, etc. Commonly  automatic chicken raising equipment, farmers can choose the required automatic chicken raising equipment according to their actual needs and capital budget to assist in raising chickens, and improve the efficiency of chicken raising.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  • Learn to operate modern automatic chicken farming equipment: it is a relatively large-scale mechanized equipment that requires operation and maintenance. Therefore, whether it is operated by the farmers themselves or by the staff, they must pay attention to learning the correct operation method. Different equipment operation methods are It is not the same. Only reasonable and scientific operation can ensure the good effect and efficiency of the equipment, and can guarantee the life of use, and also pay attention to regular maintenance and maintenance of the automatic chicken breeding equipment, so that the problem can be found in time Timely solution these problems can guarantee and extend the service life of the equipment.
  • Maintain the environment of the chicken house: the chicken coop is well maintained, and the chicken flock can reduce the occurrence of diseases. Because the chicken house has chicken flocks and some automatic chicken raising equipment, there will be a lot of manure, feed, dust, ammonia and other pollution. The existence of materials and harmful gases will seriously affect the health of the chicken flock. Therefore, if you want to ensure the sanitary environment of the chicken house, it is necessary to clean, disinfect and ventilate frequently. If you do these three points, you can maintain the hygiene of the chicken house.

The main points of how to raise chickens using chicken raising equipment are described for the majority of farmers. It is also a few tasks that farmers need to pay attention to in the process of raising chickens. I hope that the above description can help the majority of farmers to raise chickens in a scientific and reasonable manner. Improve economic efficiency!


The use of broiler chicken cage equipment is the development trend of broiler breeding. More and more chicken farmers have begun to try to adopt the mode of broiler cage breeding, which is currently one of the advanced production methods in the broiler breeding industry. It has the advantages of saving land resources, improving breeding conditions, improving production performance, and reducing disease incidence. However, in order to achieve greater economic benefits, it is necessary to overcome its existing problems and maximize the benefits of broiler cages.

The main technical characteristics of broiler cages are as follows: First, the three-layer overlapping cage technology is adopted. The second is to be equipped with an automatic manure removal conveyor belt to clean manure in time and reduce harmful gases such as ammonia and sulfur dioxide in the house. The third is that the entire cage is made of hot-dip galvanized metal anticorrosive materials, and the bottom of the cage is covered with wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant plastic nets, which can effectively reduce the incidence of breast cysts and leg diseases in broilers. Fourth, the chicken house is fully enclosed, relying on air intakes and exhaust fans on both sides of the house to maintain air quality in the house. The staggered installation of incandescent lamps reasonably realizes artificial lighting, and the use of water heaters, wet curtains, and automatic spray devices to achieve temperature and humidity control in the house.

Experiments show that the technical advantages of commercial broiler cages over online breeding are very significant. Not only can increase the number of breeding, improve production performance, save production costs, and bring significant economic benefits to farmers. It can also save land resources, reduce environmental pollution, improve product quality, and create huge social benefits. In line with the development requirements of "scale, standardization, industrialization, and ecologicalization" of the broiler breeding industry, the widespread promotion and application will help accelerate the process of standardization and transformation of livestock and poultry farms, and effectively promote the upgrading of the livestock industry.

Although cage breeding has significant technical advantages over online breeding, there are still some problems with cage breeding technology, mainly in the following three aspects. One is that the initial investment of cage culture is larger than that of online culture, but because the profit rate of cage culture is much higher than that of online culture, the return is quick. Second, the technical requirements of cage breeding are higher than that of online breeding. Because cage houses are closed and fully automated, technicians must not only master breeding management techniques, but also be familiar with the operation of modern equipment. Third, the ventilation requirements of cage breeding are higher than that of online breeding. Because cage breeding is multi-layer breeding, it is more dense than online breeding, which easily causes poor air circulation in the house. Therefore, the above three points are the problems that farmers who use broiler farming cage equipment to overcome.

The number and size of broiler chickens raised in broiler battery cages is growing at an alarming rate. The density of cultivation per unit area is large, and the management level of the breeders is higher than that of the net culture. In fact, no matter what farming mode and breeding conditions, we manage. The primary task is to manage the chickens so that the chickens have a comfortable living environment so that the chickens do not get sick or get sick.


1. Strict control of temperature, ventilation and humidity

Appropriate temperature, light and good ventilation are especially important for the growth of caged broilers. Therefore, in the actual feeding process, it must be strictly controlled. About temperature control. The demand for temperature varies during the different stages of broiler growth. Generally speaking, before brooding, it is necessary to keep warm in advance, and raise the temperature in the house to 26 °C; in the brooding period, the method of high temperature brooding is adopted, and the temperature usually needs to be controlled at about 33 °C, and then it is lowered by 0.5 per week.


Control about ventilation. During the brooding period, because the temperature in the house is relatively stable, we usually realize the ventilation and ventilation in the house by controlling the opening and closing of the fan. About the control of humidity. The humidity control in the brooding period is preferably 60-65%. Increasing the humidity in the house can be achieved by placing several water-filled basins in the house and increasing the humidity in the house by evaporation. Increase the humidity inside the house. It is not recommended to sprinkle water on the ground or install nozzles to increase the humidity in the house. The humidity in the breeding house should be kept at 40-60%, and the suitable humidity is conducive to the normal growth of broilers.

Humidity should not be too high or too low. If the humidity is too low, it will cause dehydration of broilers, poor growth of feathers, dry skin, and dust in the air, which may easily induce respiratory diseases. If the humidity is too high in summer, it will cause the evaporation and heat dissipation of the chicken body to be blocked, the feed intake will decrease, the drinking water will increase, and cause heatstroke. If the humidity is too high in winter, the chicken body will lose heat too much, the feed intake will increase, and the feed consumption will increase. This leads to an increase in the ratio of meat to meat and increases the cost of farming.

2. Do a good job of cleaning and disinfecting caged houses

The cleaning and disinfection of the chicken house and the chicken battery cages should be thorough, without leaving a dead angle. In particular, it is recommended that the caged broiler has a high breeding density. It is recommended to use spray or fumigation to disinfect. When disinfecting, pay attention to the use of disinfectant. Strictly control the dosage of the disinfectant. In addition, after the disinfection is completed, it is necessary to open the doors and windows in time, and do a good job of ventilation.

3. Equipment use

Large and medium-sized chicken farms have advanced equipment, but with advanced equipment, it is not always possible to raise chickens. With the scale and automation, the failure of farming is not uncommon. The key lies in the organic of people and equipment. In combination, the operator must not only be familiar with the principle of the equipment, but also observe it carefully. Because the temperature of the thermostat and the temperature of the house have a certain error, the error value should be adjusted to the minimum, so that the temperature of the house can be adjusted. The temperature at which the chicken is most suitable for growth. In addition, the operator must be proficient in the use of the equipment and the feeding procedures of the chicken at various stages, and can promptly discover and repair the failure of the equipment. Once the equipment is used improperly or the equipment fails, it will Caused huge economic losses.




In early spring, it is easy to bring discomfort to the chickens in the broiler farms. At this time, the farmers must pay special attention to the rearing and management of the chickens in the broiler farms, and master the necessary broiler breeding techniques to achieve the guarantee of broiler farms. The healthy development of the broilers can lead you a bright feature.

The chickens should ensure that they can drink water within 2 hours after entering the house. For some weak seedlings, artificial drinking can be used to make them drink water. The purpose is to let the chicks learn to drink as soon as possible. The first time the chicks use water at 25°C, add 5% dextrose and 0.1% vitamin C to the water. The waterer should be washed frequently. During the entire brooding period, the drinking water should not be interrupted. From the second day of the brooding, the drinking water should be added. drug.

Thursday, 18 April 2019 07:23

Broiler feeding management points of spring

1. Disinfection

The chicks are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected 5 days before entering the site, avoiding corrosive disinfectant such as caustic soda to prevent equipment damage, then fumigation with formaldehyde, and sealing the doors and windows. After 24 hours, the window is ventilated. Personnel must be strictly disinfected to avoid destroying the disinfection effect. The trough and drinking fountains are cleaned and disinfected. After the chicks arrive, the ground is cleaned every day to reduce the stimulation of the respiratory tract by dust and chicken fluff, and the chickens should be disinfected every other day. Several disinfectants can be used alternately, and the vaccination period should be avoided for more than 24 hours.

2. Temperature

There is a temperature difference between the three-layer chicken battery cages in the upper, middle and lower layers, and the lower the outdoor temperature, the greater the temperature difference. Brooding is generally at the highest level, because the highest temperature is the highest, which is conducive to saving heat. The chicks enter the field on the first day, the temperature is controlled at 33 ~ 34 ° C, but also according to the state of the chicks to adjust the temperature. When the temperature is suitable, the flocks are evenly distributed, active and active, and the appetite is strong; when the temperature is low, the neck is constricted and concentrated to the heat source. Squeeze each other, the body trembles; when the temperature is too high, the amount of drinking water increases, the appetite decreases, the breathing speeds up, and the neck feathers are soaked. In the first week, the temperature dropped to 30~C, and then decreased by 2°C every week. The density of three-dimensional culture was large, which was 1~2°C lower than the flattening temperature. It should avoid the heat stress and the food intake decreased.



3. Grouping

Three-dimensional cultured broiler chickens use the whole sports chicks. When the chicks are too dense, they should be grouped in time to ensure that the chicks are evenly weighted. The first group is usually 12 to 16 days old, and the group is too early. Because the body size is too small, it is easy to grow in the cage gap. Drilling also wastes space and wastes energy. The second grouping, at 25 to 28 days of age, adopts the principle of “remaining weak and not staying strong” when grouping, and the important young chicks are placed in the lower layer, and the weak chicks are left behind. In summer, due to high temperature, it can be properly caged in advance. In winter, due to the large temperature difference between the upper and lower layers of the cage, the poultry battery cages time can be appropriately postponed, and one more in the lower cage to reduce the temperature difference between the upper and lower layers.

4. Ventilation

The key to successful aquaculture is ventilation, reasonable ventilation, elimination of harmful gases, temperature control, and reduction of ascites, chronic respiratory diseases and colibacillosis. The density of the three-dimensional farming unit is large, so ventilation is more important. Within 24 hours after entering the farm, the chicks can be ventilated due to the large space of the whole sports. As the age of the chicken increases, the ventilation volume is gradually increased, and the position and size of the air inlet are adjusted. Day, night, cloudy, sunny, spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is necessary to constantly adjust in a timely manner to achieve the feeling of no smell, no glare, no oxygen deficiency and more comfort in the house, to create a good growth space for the chickens, enhance the body's disease resistance and reduce the occurrence of diseases.